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macrumors 6502a
Original poster
Nov 25, 2001
Champaign, IL, USA
We need some mp3 filesharing programs out there for mac. At the moment, we're restricted to some really inefficient clients (limewire, macphex etc.) while our wintel "friends" get a massive selection. If you've got a bit of spare time, please take the time to ask for a mac version of some of the best mp3 sharing clients...

- Go here and vote in favor of "Mac Version"

- Email, and asking for a mac version of blubster

- If you're really dedicated you can write posts at and

More proggies, more sites, more people to hassle?? Post them!


macrumors member
Feb 1, 2002
If you're running under system 9 you can try "MacSatellite" which uses the AudioGalaxy music sharing site. This works pretty well for me. This did stop working at one point but the current working version (1.5) is available for download at If you're running under X then there is "sputnik" which uses the same AudioGalaxy site.
Another system 9 is "Drumbeat" which isn't bad. Soon to be released for X as well. Only thing is you get it free for 15 days then you have to pay to register it.
iSwipe as previously mentioned is ok...ish. Bit slow though, but still under developement and in it's early stages. It has regular updates which keeps it moving forward.
Theres are also the usual Limewire etc.. and there are quite a few MP3's available on Hotline & Carracho.

Now for a question. When I get my new iMac with superdrive, will it be possible to make back up copies of my DVD movies? Many thanks in advance. :)

elfin buddy

macrumors 6502a
Sep 16, 2001
Tuttlingen, Germany

ive used an app called drumbeat that seems to work fine for downloadin just about anything u want. its currently available for mac os 9 and windows. im not sure about mac os x but i believe they are working it. i think it costs $30 to reister, but im not sure. dont flame me if im wrong about anything.
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