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macrumors 68030
May 28, 2002
Aren't the current E/I's based off the 100MHz fsb? I'd be pissed if we get that crappy of a showing, boosting the existing line by a few megahertz... **** that.

On a side note, winter break is doing wonders for my post count this is #200.


macrumors regular
May 29, 2002
Dallas, TX
New iApp

Ever since Apple took on Emagic there have been persistent rumors that a logical (no pun intended) iApp would be a stripped down version of Logic Audio. Maybe something like MicroLogic AV or even Logic Audio Silver.


macrumors newbie
Jul 12, 2001
Reno, NV

Based on concerns enumerated in the 10-k filling, I would look for MAJOR speed bumps.

Whether that means a platform switch to x86, I wouldn't venture to guess. But, definitely MUCH FASTER CPU's!!!!

Just my simple minded analysis.....


macrumors member
Jul 9, 2002
My guess is that Steve Jobs will make an "earth-shattering" announcement. I'm not making any other predictions at this point. It will probably be positive.


macrumors 68030
Jul 25, 2002
Re: Why?

Originally posted by MacAztec
Why would they move away from conventions? Dont they like to suprise people? Thats why I (we) go to conventions.

I am going to MWSF, and I am going to be at the doors on the very first day. I will have no clue of what to expect. Hell, I love the feeling when you go in and people rush to see whats new :)

Yes, Apple likes to surprise people. When Apple surprises people they are able to sell their old models right up until the day new models are announced. This desire to surprise their customers with updates is why Apple is reportedly moving away from convention keynote announcements and onto a convention-independant announcement schedule.

And, yes, while the Wintel world lives by (often broken*) promises and detailed roadmaps, it does so because there really is no reason to sell anyone on buying something today when you know they'll be buying it anyways tomorrow, and the constant state of advancement in technology guarantees that waiting a day or two days you'll still be in the same boat as had you bought today. Apple, however, is a single company with a single product range, so advancements are not constant, and it can not absorb the ups and downs of demand as easily as Wintel. Thus, Apple lives by the surprise, and keeps their finances flowing at a fairly constant rate if and only if those surprises succeed. This is, of course, why Apple has taken to suing and prosecuting those who let the cat out of the bag early: it has a real and significant impact on their bottom line when the "surprise" element is taken away.

Currently, Apple sales slow to a halt around convention time as "everyone knows" that there are going to be cool new things coming out and that prices on existing hardware will likely go down or new features will be added. "Everybody knows" that it is a bad idea to purchase a new Mac on January 6th because it will be obsolete January 7th.

Apple likes to surprise its customers. Thus, it is moving towards releasing products between conventions and merely describing/sales-pitching the products at the conventions themselves.

A surprise isn't a surprise if everyone knows when it will be, what it will be, and where it will be.

* Interesting fact. Only one company in the PPC/WinTel world has a corporate directive that says that any promise it makes to a customer must be met, no matter what the cost. Any guess who? That's right: IBM. It's Second Directive, issued by Watson himself in the 1950s, and still followed. I don't think Motorola is quite so idealistic. It is, however, sad that such a commitment to integrity means little against the price-gouging and vaporware tactics of the rest of the industry ...


macrumors 68030
Jul 25, 2002
Originally posted by scem0
Im hoping for a wireless bluetooth mouse and keyboard to go along
with the bluetooth on the powermacs (and other computers hopefully).

Oh, and I forgot to mention that that mouse better have 2 buttons
and a scroll wheel. ;)

Given that Apple's never going to satisfy your mousing needs, why are you hoping for them to waste money on a fancy mouse that you'll replace with an even fancier mouse before even using it?

Of course, the optical mice weren't cheap when Apple began including them on PowerMacs either, so maybe Apple will waste money on the first thing most power users will replace when they get the box home ...

IMHO, if Apple includes Bluetooth and announces that existing BlueTooth mice will work with it (and perhaps offer a "wireless" mouse as a build-to-order option), most of our BT-in-your-mice fanatics should be leaping for joy.

Still, I don't see the advantage to BT in a mouse, but that's just me. Maybe that's why I don't feel the need to pay for such a mouse on my next desktop ...


macrumors 6502
Nov 4, 2002
New iPod with color lcd (supports iTunes Visualizations?)
New digital Hub device (camera, iPhone, iNote PDA?)
1ghz iMac with 120gb hard drive and faster Superdrive (4x - 6x DVD write?)
New Apple Web Browser
iChat update that supports video conferencing, Web Cam, exchange of files (support for msn, icq, yahoo, etc... ?)
New Pro Software (dealing with recent aquisitions?)
XServe with PPC 970
PowerMac speed bumps after MWSF '03 (Dual line up 1.25ghz, 1.4ghz, 1.6ghz) with faster Superdrive

Mac OS X Enhancements? (see link below :D)


macrumors 6502
Dec 28, 2001
my predictions:

1) duel 1.2ghz g4 / duel 1.4ghz g4 / duel 1.6ghz g4 all with 120gig HD
2) imac to 1ghz 120gig
3) emac to 933mhz 80gig
4) apple browser <-- i hope:D
5) appleworks 7 <-- probably not but im sure we wont need office anymore when it comes out :)

hmm.. cant think of anything else - i dont think that ipod needs an upgrade yet...


macrumors regular
Dec 2, 2002
For Apple, synchronization software could become an important hook that might persuade consumers or businesses to choose Macs over PCs. Apple has seen its share of the overall operating system market slide in recent years as Linux gains popularity. IDC estimates that the market share for Mac OS dropped to 3.1 percent in 2001 from 4.6 percent two years earlier. Windows, in contrast, has more than 90 percent market share.

I agree that iSync is cool but I don't think there's anything really earth-shattering about it. There's only a handful of phones on the market with integrated bluetooth and they are too expensive... I can't input on the go with my iPod... the software doesn't support Pocket PC's (sorry Tungsten T... you suck!). Apple needs to juice up their product line and they know it... I think the closed architecture ghosts of old are coming back to haunt Apple.

The G4 is dead... you can overclock it all you want, it isn't going to come close to what Intel is doing. AMD taught us that already. The only reason I'm not buying a PowerMac right now is the same reason I never liked Rambus... Moto doesn't care about their customers, namely me. At least Intel is willing to fight tooth and nail for my hard earned dollars!


macrumors 604
Jul 16, 2002
back in NYC!
Originally posted by jettredmont

Given that Apple's never going to satisfy your mousing needs, why are you hoping for them to waste money on a fancy mouse that you'll replace with an even fancier mouse before even using it?

Of course, the optical mice weren't cheap when Apple began including them on PowerMacs either, so maybe Apple will waste money on the first thing most power users will replace when they get the box home ...

IMHO, if Apple includes Bluetooth and announces that existing BlueTooth mice will work with it (and perhaps offer a "wireless" mouse as a build-to-order option), most of our BT-in-your-mice fanatics should be leaping for joy.

Still, I don't see the advantage to BT in a mouse, but that's just me. Maybe that's why I don't feel the need to pay for such a mouse on my next desktop ...

The advantage of a BT mouse is obvious, no wires ;). What makes
you think that apple won't ever have a right click and a scroll
whell on any of their mouses? A lot of people have talked about
how they want one, although apple doesn't always do what
people want, they try to satisfy the people who keep them in

And also, what makes you think that I would go off and buy a new
mouse as soon as I got apple's mouse? The only reason I ditched
my apple mouse was because I couldn't live without the right click
and more importantly the scroll wheel.

I won't really be pissed if apple doesn't actively try to improve
their already existing products, because I won't have anything
to do with apple and their computers.
and buy a new mouse as soon as I got the apple mouse? :eek: ;)


macrumors 68040
Original poster
Feb 24, 2001
As the Macintosh enters the mid-00's it will find itself confounded by a new market that is ever variable. The MacOS will be forced to change it's focus from the current focus to durability and centrality. As centrality becomes more key we can expect to see more "hub" products as I like to call them. Durability will further become central to the MacOS we will see more products designed for interconnectivity and networkablility. In short the "digital hub" will become important to Apple's primary business and marketing strategy.
Originally posted by bluecell
My guess is that Steve Jobs will make an "earth-shattering" announcement. I'm not making any other predictions at this point. It will probably be positive.

Yeah, I'm hoping for that too.

Apple hasn't released major new stuff for a while. It makes a logical sense business-wise to release something totally new now. Update and speed bumps are nice, but I'm expecting something more.

Predicting what will be annouced at MWSF is fun, but just think of the posiblity of something beyond our imagination gives me a real shake in my brain! Remember the world before iPod and PowerBook G4? I want to see the same kind of surprise on January 7th.

My expectations are VERY high, Apple!

Oh, and video conferencing in iChat is nice. There's an industry standard in Windows world. but there's no major video conf software on Mac. Video conferencing and communications in general is all about standards. I can not ask my clients to install a new software just to video conf with me. It should be installed with an OS as default. And along with this iChat update, I hope Apple will introduce that live IP address transfer service on .Mac which we'be been talking about.


macrumors regular
Dec 24, 2002
My Predictions

Faster iMac - in the tune of 933MHz and 1GHz and maybe faster bus
Not sure of new iMac LCDs

G3 iMac- Possibly speed increase nearing 1GHz for cheap education

eMac - Nothing, maybe price cut

Pro Line - either announce 970 processor ship in a couple months or no announcment and new processor in early summer

iBook - Nothing

PowerBook - Nothing

New iTunes 4 with support of Rendevous

iPod - Price Cut

Maybe new digital live style device - newton like pda with ink well runs a lite OS X, maybe G3 processor, but this one is a stretch!

That is my predictions, Oh, and Steve-o has lamp chops, just joking ;)


macrumors newbie
Dec 25, 2002
Overdue iTunes Update

I thought it would happen with iTunes 3, but I'm still waiting, so...

I hope to see AAC encoding in iTunes (aka .mp4), and a corresponding update that adds the codec to iPods.

Get ready to re-rip your CDs! <g>


macrumors newbie
Jul 12, 2001
Reno, NV
iPod updates?

I think they might introduce a new iPod version that has inputs for recording analog/microphone/digital source.

Of course, price reductions on current models.


macrumors newbie
Dec 23, 2002
Originally posted by Megaquad [/i
-more schillermania [/B]

LOL! Sweet Lord, take me now! Although, I'll take "Schillermania" over "Ballmermania", any day!

... YES!!!

If you don't get the above joke, ya gotta see this clip:

Be afraid. Be very very afraid.

And, I got four words for ya! I-STUBBED-MY-TOE!!!
(option 2: I-NEED-SOME-DEODORANT!!! yeeaaAAAHHH!!!!


macrumors newbie
Dec 23, 2002
Re: Re: Why?

Originally posted by jettredmont

* Interesting fact. Only one company in the PPC/WinTel world has a corporate directive that says that any promise it makes to a customer must be met, no matter what the cost. Any guess who? That's right: IBM. It's Second Directive, issued by Watson himself in the 1950s, and still followed.

Well, that certainly bodes well for the PPC 970! it might be coming out in July. Until then, expect more from that Sad Sack, Motorola, folks. :mad:

non fiction

macrumors newbie
Jul 11, 2002
Re: My predictions

Originally posted by pianojoe
- Minor iMac speed bump, none for eMac, iBook and Powerbook.
- Bluetooth all across the line save eMac.

The pro line:

1) Fast: Powermac G4 Dual 1GHz, available.
2) Faster: Powermac 970 1.6GHz, available Feb.
3) Fastest: Powermac 970 1.8GHz, available March.
4) Ultimate: Powermac 970 Dual 1.6GHz, available March.

The second model will gently outperform the first.

At least someone is hopeful of new PowerMacs!

I am not sure that I agree with the predictions above. I don't think the 970 will arrive before the end of the year - although it may appear sooner in the Server line. That would be an obvious choice for such a monster processor. I think we will see a new chip introduced with delivery in the coming months. It will be a G4/5 and it will be made by Motorola. It will be the next chip in their roadmap (A new roadmap none of us have seen)and will have improved bus speeds, full DDR support and will hopefully have a low end speed of 1.5Ghz up to maybe 2.0Ghz.

Everyone seems to think Motorola is a gone, but they will be here for some time to come. They dropped the ball in the mid nineties when Apple seemed on the brink, but the PPC will soon be back on a very nice development path.

I think I am ready to buy a new PowerMac. Talk to me Steve!


macrumors newbie
Dec 28, 2002
bluetooth (keyboard and mouse)

definitely bluetooth integration across the board with cordless bluetooth mouse and keyboard on imacs and g4 towers
iMac 19", discontinued 15"
imac, g4, ibook speedbumps
itunes update w/ randezvous
ichat and ical updates
iPod sofware update to sync with Mail. Read emails away from desk.
.Mac update. Dynamic web hosting. .Mac members will be able to point there Mac homepage to thier own computer and host from there.
also streaming q-time though homepage from home Mac. (plug in digicam and stream events, birthdsay parties, whatever to invited viewers) cool
we'll see.


Jul 9, 2000
on the pc side, the 15" inch lcd seems to be the standard size lcd for consumers, so i can't see apple dropping the smaller size lcd imac either


macrumors newbie
Dec 28, 2002
how about iPod sync w/ Mail

I would be cool to carry my emails with me in my iPod.
Is this outta the question? Apple could just tie it in with iSync like they do now with contacts and calendars


macrumors member
Jul 22, 2002
PowerMacs and other MacWorld ideas

I am among the many who REALLY REALLY want a PPC 970 based PowerMac, however, I don't see this coming until MWSF 04.

I don't think any cover up is happening...IBM truly won't have the chip ready until the 2nd half of this year.

When it is ready, Apple would logically want to add it to servers first, if they are serious about the server business. Then, PowerMacs would again receive "hand me down" technical design.

The current PowerMac design (logic board, etc) was likely be made to last 2+ generations (on 6 month upgrade schedule)

Believe me, I want it sooner, but I'm trying to be realistic.

Apple has absolutely got to update the display line. I don't see any choice on this issue. Let's have some 17", 19" and 22/23" with widescreen. Not everyone needs a $2500+ widescreen. I'd also like to see pricing more in line with current economic and competative conditions. There are some name brand 17" screens for $600 out there now.

iMac will most likely get an update, considering it's popularity. Unfortunately, the more they update iMac, the less differences there are between them and my PowerMac. Why did I buy a professional machine again ? ?

Laptops were just updated......

I'd love to see a price cut on iPod, even if it's only $50. Maybe some MP4 support.

iTunes, MP4 import option would be awesome.

iPhoto, load albums at program start (like iTunes) instead of the whole library. Actually, they should just buy iView and incorporate it.

iMovie/iDVD, more features (to keep it in line with some newer PC offerings) The excuse that it can't be soooo good as to compete with Final Cut Pro/DVD Studio Pro is not our problem. They will just have to make Studio Pro/FCP even better.

we will soon find out

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