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macrumors regular
Original poster
Oct 21, 2001
Is it just me, or I don't think all of the rumors going on in the rumor mill are going to come to pass. It just doesn't make sense that Apple would release a totally new processor and a tottaly new iMac. I think what is going to happen is we will see the g5 at MWSF, and the new iMac at MW Tokyo along with OS 10.2. What do you guys think?


macrumors newbie
Nov 28, 2001
I agree that 10.2 will be the first thing to come out. It seems as though it would be in their best interest since they are trying to promote OSX as the best thing since the mouse. As far as the G5... I can only hope. As for the iMac... Yes I think it is long overdue and a Great idea. Flat screen iMac! of course. I mean just looking at the renderings ( of the iMacs is proof enough.
I'd say your predictions are quite solid.
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