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macrumors G5
Original poster
Jul 29, 2011
Somewhere Back In The Long Ago
I originally formatted the 2TB WD in the normal way, staying away from WD's "Turbo" drivers and custom GUID format. When used that way, I was getting good speeds <200 read and write.

Read up a little on the WD boards, and decided that before the drive starts filling up, I'd re-format it with the WD utility and add the turbo drivers. A word of warning....Don't.

Speed dropped to >100MBPS and the drive ejects randomly when accessing folders etc.

I am now going to go back to where it was before....Standard OSX format. Anybody else had similar issues? I'm using the drive on my new rMBP 13"..
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macrumors G5
Aug 10, 2007
I'm a rolling stone.
WD drivers seem to suck, it's not the first time I read WD has problems, even System Crashes.
Better name would be TurboCrap.:p

Apple's own drivers (Extensions) are overall to be stable, when Apple includes drivers for whatever Hardware I use them instead of 3rd party drivers.


macrumors G5
Original poster
Jul 29, 2011
Somewhere Back In The Long Ago
WD drivers seem to suck, it's not the first time I read WD has problems, even System Crashes.
Better name would be TurboCrap.:p

Apple's own drivers (Extensions) are overall to be stable, when Apple includes drivers for whatever Hardware I use them instead of 3rd party drivers.

Yep, I'm going back now before the drive is too full...Not much on it now...You think they'd avoid recommending stuff that doesn't work. I bought the dive formatted for Windows as it works out cheaper that way here...Back to a standard partition it is!


macrumors G5
Original poster
Jul 29, 2011
Somewhere Back In The Long Ago
Will mark this as resolved as after a re-format and removal of the WD bloatware and so called "Turbo" drivers, the drive is back up to speed. I wish manufacturers would refrain from boasting about the capability of their software when it just doesn't work....Some people may have returned the drive as faulty.
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