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macrumors regular
Jan 8, 2002
Flanders (Belgium)
My first was an Amiga 500, it had really great games!
First mac was an SE. But I actually got to play with all apples at very young age 'cause my dad worked in a store where they sold apple and I was an example of how easy it was. A 5 year old playing on a mac, how's that for publicity hehe. 15 years later and I finaly have my cube since yesterday.


macrumors newbie
Jan 14, 2002
Amiga 500 with 512k memory upgrade 256 colour monitor, extra external floppy drive (for copying games! tut...tut) Later an upgraded OS rom to the second version of Workbench - what an operating system that was :)


Jun 22, 2001
My first Mac

Well i'm only 15, my first mac was the Apple II if i remember back in first grade with those 5 inch floppies. The first computer i owned was an LC 475 with like 18 mb ram or something


macrumors regular
Jan 18, 2002
My first computer was a Sinclair ZX 48k ZX Spectrum with rubber keys. Many hours spent playing Jet Set Willy and Manic Minor.

After saving hard moved on to the Atari 520STFM. Wow 16bits! great computer but all my mates bought Amiga500's so I sold it and got an Amiga. Great games machine.

Then built a 25MHz 486SX PC had that for two years, windows 3.1(ouch) but my sanity was saved by DOOM. Upgraded the board to a Pentium 75Mhz had that for while.

Now running a dual PII400 with 512Mb. Does the job, but I am waiting for new PowerMacs.

I bored with PC's, I wanna an Apple!:)


Moderator emeritus
Jan 2, 2001
Metairie, LA
Originally posted by networkman
so that is it

hey ,eye, does one more post make you the evilest of the evil and make you an evil eye

well according to a lot of people around here....the kewpie baby was evil....


macrumors 601
Jan 13, 2002
secret city
it was one of those digital ones, square, the ones with the calculator, they kept addys, etc. etc...

i dont mean to bore you...sorry


macrumors newbie
Jan 19, 2002
The first family computer:
Dad brought home an Apple ][+, 48k of memory, TWO floppy drives, and a green monochrome monitor. WITH the Apple thermal printer!!

We had a Franklin (Apple ][ clone) for a while as the "kids' computer.

The first computer that I had that was "all my own":
Mac SE, 1MB RAM 20 MB HD, Superdrive. Tetris installed immediately.

Can't wait for a DP G4 1GHZ....


macrumors 6502a
Jan 9, 2002
Kellogg IA
My first computer was a performa 575 in 94, our familys first puter and damn i loved that thing, still have it actually, it done us well lol


macrumors 65816
Jan 21, 2002
First Computer


I'm the first on the thread to have owned the little known (in America) BBC Microcomputer. With a storming 32k
it was Sinclair's main rival in the UK. It was, however, much better although it was also more expensive. It dominated the education market (sound familiar?) as well.

Despite using the by then ancient 6502, it had an excellent OS including a powerful structured basic on ROM, good
graphics, embedded machine code capability and some advanced features including procedures (as opposed to subroutines), WHILE, UNTIL and ELSE and other high level statements, direct OS calls, a 1 Mgz bus(!), built in networking which could download software from the BBC TV channel, and the TUBE: proprietary technology that allowed a second processor - dual processors in 1982!

It never caught on in the US, partly because the company refused to license the technology. Take heed, Steve!

It did, however, go on to pioneer RISC based computing for the home user, and spawned the ARM processor range, which you will find in a lot of PDAs today.

I use a PowerBook G3 today. A little underspecced but able to do all I require and more. I was thinking of getting a new Mac, but am wary as after the iMac, I suspect there are several more releases to come in the near future, so I don't want to buy a soon to be discontinued model.

Mighty Mac

macrumors member
Jan 10, 2002
First computer was a Tandy 1000 with 2 5.25 drives and no hd. We got a upgrade to 64k ram and a mouse that sat on the desk but only worked in ms word for dos. in 83

after that we got a powerbook 165c with color display in 1992-93 now running 7.5.3 word lotus 123 and the batter still lasts an hour, great machine.

Currently iMac DV 400 Blueberry!! (saving for the new iMac) :rolleyes:

me hate windows

macrumors 6502
Jan 18, 2002
mines the best

An Apple 1
yes, I am not lying. When I was younger my parents got an Apple 1 somewhere. I think it was a friend. It was so cool. We had to make our own case for it, but that didnt matter. Then one fateful day there was a power surge and it burned the poor thing up.:mad: :eek: :confused: :( :(


macrumors 601
Jan 14, 2002
South Dakota, USA
The first computer I ever used was in 1st grade and it was a Commodore PET with a cassette to load a program. I remember when you had 15 mins for computer time and it took over 10 of it to load a game. Then the girls came over for their time at the computer and you kinda laughed...hehe...and reached behind and turned it off!!!!!hahaha Then our school got Apple IIe's and wow were we about fast!!! And I still remember the day I captured "Carmin"! My first Mac that I owned I have right now and that's my iMac DV.


macrumors newbie
Jan 18, 2002
North Jersey
that first computer

Commodore 64 and i had a lot of you beat, i had to hook it up to my TV that only got channels 2-13. I think that was circa '82 and the 5 inch floppy was like 35 lbs and the tape (non DAT regular tapes, those are the ones your parents have music on for the young ones!) drive was the only true way to play hitchhikers guide to the galaxy! Ahh the good old days of load *,8,1

Later the IIe, then many moons later the 9200/132 powerPC.


macrumors member
Jan 9, 2002
Atari 800 - 1983
48K Ram
tape Drive, added 5 1/4 " Floppy later
and connected to a TV

It was the perfect combo of a computer and a game machine.

1986 I got an Apple IIGS

and than I got converted to the dark side in 1994 with a defective pentium 60 MHz....

my next computer will be an iMac


macrumors 68000
Dec 9, 2001
State of Denial
Mac 512k

The Mac 512k was the first one I "owned" (yeah, like a 1.5 yar old can own a computer). I used it for exactly 2 things: Games, and More Games. It doesn't work anymore, but unlike may computers, it had a slow death: for a while before it died, when I turned it on, it would make a sound like a car starting up with a dead battery.


macrumors newbie
Dec 28, 2001
Columbia, SC
my first computer that was mine was a Mac Plus w/1 mb of ram and system 1.0 whoo-hoo! now im usin a 9600/233 (still trying to recover from paying for it in 97' it was $4,200!)
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