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macrumors regular
Original poster
Jun 15, 2005
Birmingham, UK
My MDD isn't very quiet, at all.

So, a while back, I installed two 60mm fans I had lying around, and they worked fine. No problems, they ran from the 12v rail using a molex connector with two wires going into the PSU to the fans.

This was working fine, untill today.

I decided that those wires were ugly, and dedcided to run the fans from the PSU's power, where the original delta fans were running from.

Bad idea.

The PSU gets way too hot. I thought that the output voltage of the onboard fan power headers were temperature controlled, obviously not!

So, I looked for some newer fans, and found that most people use the verax kit.

I have a bit of a google to find that the only places that stock them still, are all in germany, and cost around £70.

The day I pay £70 for two 60mm fans will be the day satan ice skates to work.

So, What I'm ultimately asking:

Does anyone know of any alternative fans I could use, which are similar to the verax fans? They don't have to be as quiet as the verax fans, I just want something that doesn't give me a headahce.
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