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macrumors 6502
Jul 1, 2004
FuzzyBallz said:
Ever heard of exchange rate?

notice that its euro/ DOLLAR!

Meaning, it costs the same amount of dollars as it does Euro. They're kind of ripping they europeans off, but then again usually things cost quite a bit mroe across the pond.


macrumors 6502
Jan 18, 2003
i got to play with the 20" today! WOW! its gorgeous. extremely quiet. the pictures dont do it justice at all.

1. Screen is gorgeous and amazing. really beautiful.
2.Overall look is great. Very sleek but bold.
3. EXTREMELY quiet. I tried everything to try and get it to make some noise. Only when i pressed my hear hard against it could i even hear a little buzz.
4. something people havent mentioned, speaker! they are FAR better than i could of expected. Full robust sound that seems to fill the whole area. Not the greatest on volume but no slouch either. way way better than could be expected.
5. and it seemed (although i couldnt test it too much) to really be speedy.
6. Also extremely sturdy. seems as stable as a normal tower. glides on the desk as you rotate it and it tilts on the hinge as well and smoothly as the cinemadisplays...and anyone who has touched those knows they are a dream

great machine... i want one now.

of course then i went over to the g5 powermac with the 23" screen and i REALLY want that


Moderator emeritus
Mar 25, 2002
London, England
FuzzyBallz said:
Ever heard of exchange rate?
Yes I have. Ever read that quote properly? "€/$" = Same amount for both currency!



macrumors 68040
Jun 13, 2004
kirk26 said:
Give us an f***ing break about the video card.

Whoa, cool it down man, no need to lash out so harsly since I wasn't saying anything bad about the video card in the first place. He said something to that fact that the graphics were hindered due to the graphics card, so I simply asked if they could give some examples of these "hinders" in the graphics (such as minimizing a window or something). He then said it wasn't the graphics card but rather the 256mb RAM. Might want to read more carefully next time before making unneccassry remarks :rolleyes: ;)

Also, I actually agree with you about people making a big deal about the graphics card, I have the same card if my Mac and I got no problems with it.


macrumors 6502a
Feb 26, 2004
My review of the iMac G5

Well it has been roughly 30 hrs since I have had my new iMac. This was IMHO a great impulsive purchasing decision. I will first give you a bit of a background.

Being a PC user for a ver long time, I have grown quite discusted with them. It is enough I have to use them everyday at work and develop hardware and software for them, I was using them at home. I built PC's for people, I was the PC geek that you read in all of the forums. Then I decided to change platforms.

Back in April I bought a powerbook. That is a great little machine. After a few months of use, I started to realize that what I needed was a desktop. I rarely used the portability of the powerbook. I used it as a desktop replacement.

Then this month the iMac G5 appeared. This thing caught my eye, after scouring the internet over the past couple of weeks looking at pictures reading all the information I could, I decided I wanted one. Well yesterday that came true. Proud owner of the G5 iMac 20".

This sucker is awesome. I have been doing everything on it that I did with my powerbook, but with a bigger screen and with greater ease. Transferring my information from the powerbook was a snap. The screen is eligant and is great for watching DVDs, videos, and other things. This thing is great for photoshop and the iLife suite runs without a hitch. The biggest test I have done so far is compiling control system programs in Matlab all day, which by the way is an X11 application. The only negative thing I can say is that the keyboard had a few keys that did not work. One call to apple and my keyboard is on the way.


Moderator emeritus
Mar 25, 2002
London, England
FuzzyBallz said:
Anyway, Euro does not equal USD, thanks to GW and company. It's 1 Euro to 1.22 USD.
I know euro doesn't = dollar, but that doesn't change the fact that they have chosen to sell the product for the same ammount in both currencies. Exchange rate doesn't come in to it.


macrumors 6502a
Apr 10, 2004
ToddW said:
Well it has been roughly 30 hrs since I have had my new iMac. This was IMHO a great impulsive purchasing decision. I will first give you a bit of a background.

Being a PC user for a ver long time, I have grown quite discusted with them. It is enough I have to use them everyday at work and develop hardware and software for them, I was using them at home. I built PC's for people, I was the PC geek that you read in all of the forums. Then I decided to change platforms.

Back in April I bought a powerbook. That is a great little machine. After a few months of use, I started to realize that what I needed was a desktop. I rarely used the portability of the powerbook. I used it as a desktop replacement.

Then this month the iMac G5 appeared. This thing caught my eye, after scouring the internet over the past couple of weeks looking at pictures reading all the information I could, I decided I wanted one. Well yesterday that came true. Proud owner of the G5 iMac 20".

This sucker is awesome. I have been doing everything on it that I did with my powerbook, but with a bigger screen and with greater ease. Transferring my information from the powerbook was a snap. The screen is eligant and is great for watching DVDs, videos, and other things. This thing is great for photoshop and the iLife suite runs without a hitch. The biggest test I have done so far is compiling control system programs in Matlab all day, which by the way is an X11 application. The only negative thing I can say is that the keyboard had a few keys that did not work. One call to apple and my keyboard is on the way.

I like reviews like this...I hardly consider the "I went to the Apple store and played on one for a while" reviews something to take into consideration. I question their validity, like everyone questions Pat's sex.


macrumors 601
Jan 8, 2004
Back in the motherland
jet3004 said:
I like reviews like this...I hardly consider the "I went to the Apple store and played on one for a while" reviews something to take into consideration. I question their validity, like everyone questions Pat's sex.

I missed the part where "I do everything I did with my powerbook but with greater ease" is something worthier to take into consideration than a first impression in a store that was a pretty nice read.
I am not discriminating either post/review here and I am appreciating every bit of "experience" with a new product, so while you may or may not find a particular "review" worthy of YOUR consideration, some people may differ although that may be amazingly strange for you. So just leave it at that.


macrumors 6502a
Apr 10, 2004
Diatribe said:
I missed the part where "I do everything I did with my powerbook but with greater ease" is something worthier to take into consideration than a first impression in a store that was a pretty nice read.
I am not discriminating either post/review here and I am appreciating every bit of "experience" with a new product, so while you may or may not find a particular "review" worthy of YOUR consideration, some people may differ although that may be amazingly strange for you. So just leave it at that.

No, no, no, no. I wasn't aiming this directly at are hardly the target. But there are some I have seen that have been, well, minimal. I apologize for the confusion. G'day.


macrumors 604
Original poster
Apr 19, 2004
jet3004 said:
No, no, no, no. I wasn't aiming this directly at are hardly the target. But there are some I have seen that have been, well, minimal. I apologize for the confusion. G'day.

So you are aiming at me then. I played with it for a hour. Did all the tests I considered the big ones and the one that will make the imac sell. The imac really needs at least 512 MB to run perfectly. But, 256 MB will not make the imac unbareibly slow.


macrumors 65816
Apr 16, 2002
Chicago, IL
I got my iMac today, so here is a short review:

In brief, I can tell you that it is great! You can hear it in a silent room, but it is very quiet. My PowerBook wasn't perfectly silent, and i wouldn't say this is louder. I haven't done anything that caused the fans to ramp up yet, even though I have done things that would have gotten my PowerBook's fans going (probably at full speed, too). I think Apple's claims are well justified in the "softer than a whisper" department. You have to remember that you can here a whisper in a silent room, and likewise, you can hear the iMac too.

The speakers as expected don't have much bass, but I think they are fine for being built-in. The way my desk is, the whole bouncing sound off the desk thing doesn't really work as Apple would have intended, so I think the speakers could sound better if I rearranged things. Personally, I don't care enough to bother. If I need better sound, I'll connect my external speakers.

I think the screen is very bright, but the room I am in doesn't have very bright lights. The room is by no means dark, but it isn't an office with large fluorescent lights or anything. In order to not hurt my eyes, I had to set the brighness a bit below half.

I went with the 20" model, and the screen is gigantic. Coming from my 15.2" PowerBook, I'm definitely going through an adjustment period. It looks like my sceen has no dead/stuck pixels, but I haven't run a pixel check program or anything. However, I think if there were any, I would have noticed them by now. Viewing angles are excellent as expected. Adjusting the screen is very easy, and can be done with one finger. As i had suspected, the 20" model does look much more proportional than the 17" does, thanks to the white space under the screen.

So far I've been very impressed with performance. I have 512MB of RAM right now, and haven't bothered swithcing the Processor Performance setting from Automatic. I haven't done anything yet that would really push the iMac, so I can't comment on performace too in depth. So far though, I haven't found myself waiting for much of anything, and applications open much faster than on my PowerBook.

That's all I can think of at the moment, but feel free to ask questions.

I guess that wasn't that short of a review after all. :D


macrumors 68040
May 6, 2004
What's Your Favorite Posish
this machine must be really good as its getting me to start thinking about selling the powerbook and getting the imac.... its got edesign thinking aswell.... have you got any pics? any benchmarks?


macrumors 65816
Apr 16, 2002
Chicago, IL
In case people were wondering, the 160GB drive is from Seagate and spins at 7200 RPM with 8MB of cache. Here is a link to more information.

If anyone has some other questions feel free to ask.


macrumors 6502a
Aug 30, 2004
Adelaide, Australia
Elan0204 said:
In case people were wondering, the 160GB drive is from Seagate and spins at 7200 RPM with 8MB of cache. Here is a link to more information.

If anyone has some other questions feel free to ask.
Can you upload some decent-sized pics with the flash off? :p
I've yet to see decent 20" iMac pics...
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