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macrumors 6502
Original poster
Jul 14, 2003
Hi, Everyone

I would love it if you would take a look at my site at give me some feedback, i took your input from the last post, and re-did the site. Tell me if you enjoy it, or dont and why. Check out my music too. Also I have a question for screen resolution, How do i center the site... it is centered fine on my screen but my screen is higher resolution, so if someone with 1024x768 uses it, they find themselfs scrolling to center it. Help!!


macrumors regular
Aug 11, 2002
Very good jeoorrrb! The lowest resolution that you really need to care about is 800x600, so just make it about 700x whatever, because the user's browser will take up some pixels as well.


macrumors 6502
Original poster
Jul 14, 2003
i have yet to test it on safari, because of location i had to build it on a pc and not my g5. I hope this is something i can fix, i will check it out tomorrow. Thanks for the point!


macrumors 68030
Jun 25, 2001
Moneyapolis, Minnesota
it took two timeouts and once loading in camino before i went back again in safari and tried and the site loaded with no problems... weird.

anyway... i still don't like the rollovers in your portfolio for individual pieces... you can't read most of them when the mouse is over them.


macrumors 6502
Original poster
Jul 14, 2003
yeah the whole safari thing is confusing me, hopefully i can figure that out soon. as for the rollovers, I absolutley see what you mean, i just wanted to do something differn't with the rollover, on this next build i am going to work through the whole system for the buttons on the portfolio pages. I just wanted something differn't then just solid color. Thanks for the input there. You are definaltey always a lot of help!


macrumors 68030
Many of the images you took from the web - 'Illustrator box', 'G5', 'OS X Panther' - look stretched, and I mean VERY stretched. Not good. Also, your logo designs are pixelized and a few are crooked. The 'Photoshop', 'Illustrator', etc. image links at the bottom of the 'Design' section look weird, too... white dots around the text.

Overall design of the site, though, is very nice - simple, and gets the point across.



macrumors 6502
Original poster
Jul 14, 2003
im glad you noticed that, for the lack of time basically I couldn't size everything and fit everything the way i really needed to, ive just been taking it one step at a time, and that is now on my list for my next build. Thanks! Question: How do i make my site automatically center for peoples browsers?? thanks!
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