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macrumors 68040
Original poster
Jul 13, 2008
Los Angeles, Ca
I just purchased a new iPhone for my grandma and she is asking if there is any pedometer app that allows her to check how much she walked at the end of the day.

She has no interest in owning an Apple Watch and I’m wondering if perhaps this exists within the native Health app? Or perhaps there’s a reputable 3rd party pedometer app that doesn’t drain the battery?


macrumors 68000
Feb 2, 2009
I used to use Pedometer++. I don't think it was a step counter, just a nicer interface than the Health App, but that's where the data comes from. I also think it was free, but I'm not sure.


macrumors 68000
Jul 31, 2013
+1 for Pedometer++. Used to use this prior to getting my Fitbit. It uses the monitoring done by the phone in relation to steps and whilst not perfectm, which is down to the phone and it measuring steps, it displays it very nicely in the app plus has a decent widget for a quick glance. I installed this on my dads phone for him to get a rough indication of how far he's going each day. He's a big walker and knows how far a lot of his regular walks are and the distance shown by Pedometer++ from the data gathered by the phone is never that far out. Can just differ depending on where you've put the phone whilst you are walking. He's noticed differences on the same walk when he's done it with the phone in a trouser pocket then on a separate occasion had the phone in a coat pocket. Thats just a limitation of the phone and how it does it really.

It is free with some in app purchases to do bits should you wish but i never bothered. Also no battery drain as its not using GPS or doing anything the phone isnt already doing. Its just displaying data already gathered.
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macrumors 6502
Dec 30, 2014
Over a month ago I started using the built in pedometer and found the HealthKit app has some delay if I want “instantaneous” steps taken. I ended up using Pedometer++ and Pacer and put the widget on the notification screen for “instant” steps taken. Pedometer++ appears to me to just read the built in pedometer data faster than Pacer.

Pedometer++ seems solid enough app and it’s free. In the end, I just use it for rough reference and mostly compare relative difference in steps comparing day to day.

I did end up getting a dedicated, but simple fitness tracker (Garmin Vivofit 3 with its 1 year battery) since I didn’t want to keep the phone in my pocket all the time and don’t have to worry about charging it.
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