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macrumors member
Original poster
Oct 28, 2016
This is driving me crazy. Is anybody else having difficulty getting the "back" button - located on the upper left side of the window -- to work? I keep staring at it and pinching my thumb and forefinger together and . . . nothing. All the other buttons work pretty seamlessly. But not that one.


macrumors 6502a
Feb 2, 2017
It’ll happen occasionally to me and redoing the eye setup usually fixes it for several days. I’ve found that it can be pretty finicky for whatever reason. If I do the eye setup and I’m sitting up straight if I slouch back on the couch a bit most everything keeps working OK but I’ll start having issues with a few objects and that always seems to be be one of them so I’ll either enter Settings and run re-do the eye setup or, if it’s really jacked up, I’ll hit the the top non-digital crown button 4 times which forces the device to re-do both the hand and eye setup.
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