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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Mar 25, 2008
Bangkok, Thailand
I just bought a new 2.4GHz White MacBook a week ago and now it's changing an new airport card via service provider cause it's didn't work ,can't turn on and sometime KERNEL PANIC. They told me that it becase airport card malfunction so they'll replace a new one for me since it's in warranty (7days bought) so i would like to ask if anyone have the same problem that i have about the latest MacBook and what should i do if it have any problem again (refund or force them to give me a new one) Thank in advance


macrumors member
Feb 27, 2008
if you bought it in Apple store, you should definitely go ask for a replacement in 14 days.


macrumors newbie
Original poster
Mar 25, 2008
Bangkok, Thailand
if you bought it in Apple store, you should definitely go ask for a replacement in 14 days.

I bought it in Hong Kong (travel overthere) and now i'm in Bangkok, Thailand. so first Did they have a replacement in Hong Kong? and second i'm in thailand now so what should i do? cause they won't give me a replacement (i think) cause i didn't bought it from themZin thailand) Or "The replacement is Worldwide?" please answer quickly the AppleCare start 17 Mar 2008. Thank in advance


macrumors 65816
Oct 17, 2007
I bought it in Hong Kong (travel overthere) and now i'm in Bangkok, Thailand. so first Did they have a replacement in Hong Kong? and second i'm in thailand now so what should i do? cause they won't give me a replacement (i think) cause i didn't bought it from themZin thailand) Or "The replacement is Worldwide?" please answer quickly the AppleCare start 17 Mar 2008. Thank in advance

For a quick answer, call Apple @ (66) 02 681-2081 (Thailand) and ask away.


macrumors newbie
Original poster
Mar 25, 2008
Bangkok, Thailand
Thank you everyone

So Store @ Hong Kong decide to give me a replacement on MacBook that found a first problem after seven days use. Thank you everyone for giving me a advice all of them,it giving me confident to adamant for a replacement. Well just wish that the new one will have no problem.
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