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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Mar 28, 2011
Hey Everyone,

This is my 1st post and also my first Mac so please be patient with me.

I just purchased the all new Mac Book Pro yesterday, I absolutely love the design, look, and performance, it's the nicest machine I have ever seen or used! It's the 13" model with the 2.3 inside.

I need help on 2 separate issues which are not an issue on my current desktop pc (which is supposed to sold next week) and I'm hoping that I will able to "resolve" them as one of my issues could be the deciding factor on me returning the MBP and getting a pc laptop instead which I really don't want to do. I have 2 issues I'm trying to resolve and this is my first one.

First issue - my most aggravating one and the one that may determine if I return the MBP or not….

You Tube Vevo Videos

Upon testing my machine out…I went onto You Tube to see how some random videos would look on it. Once I clicked on my first video, it wouldn't play and said I needed to install Flash Player which I did, however, it wouldn't play until I did a restart on my machine. After the reboot, things seemed to be working great…or I thought.

When it comes to You Tube, I don't watch the random stuff people post, actually, I've probably only watched 1 or 2 You Tube video's in my life, however I spend about half of my total internet surfing watching the Vevo music videos on You Tube. I entertain with this, my kids watch these, and it's pretty much on all the time when I'm home without fail. I also like to use the You Tube downloader to copy these videos so I can also play them in HD on my 55" TV when people are over or for parties. I like these videos as they tend to be high res, good quality and exactly what I'm looking for.

When trying to play any Vevo video that I've watched a million times already, it shows a "preview" of it with the "play" icon in the center of the video viewing screen, but when I click on it, it turns black and seems like it's loading but regardless of how long I wait, it will not load. I tested out other std videos and they all work, just not anything by Vevo??

Link for example:

I know at work i can't view the Vevo videos on my pc as it's running an old version of windows (but the rest of the videos i can see no problem), but on the top of this page it says "You are using an outdated browser, which YouTube no longer supports" but it shows Safari as one of my options to view it? On my new MBP, I am using Safari on You Tube to try but i get nothing either?

I tried to research this and I couldn't find to much on the internet about it. I landed on a few pages that mentioned Vevo channels were not accessible by Mac TV and they were posted a while ago, e.g. 2008 - 2010, not to mention I don't have Mac TV nor are they Vevo channels, they are technically You Tube videos aren't they?

I need to figure out how I can access and watch these videos through You Tube, it's one of my favourite past times and I wouldn't enjoy my computer knowing this is something I would need to stop doing since I now own a Mac.

If there is a solution to this so I can watch them? Can I also still download the You Tube downloader I found on CNET for Mac and copy these videos on a USB drive for personal use?

Any help would be greatly appreciated!!

My 2nd challenge will follow in a separate posting as it's something totally different.

I am not Mac savvy yet, so if it's something technical, please try and walk me through it.

Thanks so much!!
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macrumors 6502
Feb 17, 2011
Hello Dreamss,

I'm also a newb when it comes to Apple. I bought my first iMac last month, before that I was a Microsoft Hardcore, being an ITer and even C#.Net (programming language developed by Microsoft) Developer.

I love my iMac and my next notebook will be the MacBook Pro and smartphone the IPhone 5, so I'm now a total convert.

So now you know my background.
Personally being an ex-Microsofter I had difficulty using Safari as a webbrowser, so I downloaded Firefox for Mac webbrowser and I find it the best solution for us Apple newbs (no technical background needed and it has some familarity in using from our "past" as PC users).

Maybe this is a good solution for you too (the youtube and vevo clips work perfect in Firefox).


macrumors 6502
Feb 2, 2003
Gone to the Beach
No help but your linked video played fine for me on a Mac Pro and PowerBook 10.5.8 and a MacMini 10.6.7. All using Safari. Perian installed on Mac Pro but not on PowerBook or Mini. So that is not it.
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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Mar 28, 2011
Thanks for everyone's replies, I really appreciate it :)

WillGH - I will look into this and see what it is and probably install it.

Zendokan - If the above remedy doesn't work, I will certainly try this, as long as I can get those videos to play, I am happy, Firefox will be used just to go on you Tube then.

Knoodles - Do you have any programs installed that may be allowing for this...e.g. Perian? (woops, just saw you only had it on one of your computers and the link worked on those without it)
I copied and pasted that link from my PC at work, funny thing now that I look at it is that it seems a little different from the weblink I see at home when running Safari..e.g. I think the good link has the word "vevo" like it. The one I posted above doesn't..could be the version of explorer I have here at work but when I get home tonight I'll try going on the same exact video link I posted and see if it differs from my mac, however I could be mistaken and I'm wrong... but I'll post the other link if it's not the same and let me know if it works.

Since my MBP is pretty much completely empty right now, could there be any programs i haven't downloaded yet that would help with viewing these videos? Am i missing programs you guys are already running?

I read something about plug ins and stuff like that, not sure if this is what i need to adjust? I would like to resolve this without needed to instal new programs but it's not the end of the world if i need to.
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macrumors 6502
Feb 2, 2003
Gone to the Beach
Thanks for everyone's replies, I really appreciate it :)

WillGH - I will look into this and see what it is and probably install it.

Zendokan - If the above remedy doesn't work, I will certainly try this, as long as I can get those videos to play, I am happy, Firefox will be used just to go on you Tube then.

Knoodles - Do you have any programs installed that may be allowing for this...e.g. Perian? (woops, just saw you only had it on one of your computers and the link worked on those without it)
I copied and pasted that link from my PC at work, funny thing now that I look at it is that it seems a little different from the weblink I see at home when running Safari..e.g. I think the good link has the word "vevo" like it. The one I posted above doesn't..could be the version of explorer I have here at work but when I get home tonight I'll try going on the same exact video link I posted and see if it differs from my mac, however I could be mistaken and I'm wrong... but I'll post the other link if it's not the same and let me know if it works.

Since my MBP is pretty much completely empty right now, could there be any programs i haven't downloaded yet that would help with viewing these videos? Am i missing programs you guys are already running?

I read something about plug ins and stuff like that, not sure if this is what i need to adjust? I would like to resolve this without needed to instal new programs but it's not the end of the world if i need to.

The link in this post leads to an unfound page. The only plug in that is commonly installed on all of my Macs is Flip4Mac. It's for WMV files and has nothing to do with Flash. Make sure you have the correct version of Flash Player installed for your system.


macrumors newbie
Original poster
Mar 28, 2011
The link in this post leads to an unfound page. The only plug in that is commonly installed on all of my Macs is Flip4Mac. It's for WMV files and has nothing to do with Flash. Make sure you have the correct version of Flash Player installed for your system.

Hey Knoodles, the link i posted wasn't really a link, it was to show sort of what i think the link had in it vs. the link in my first posting...

I went to the link you posted for adobe and downloaded Adobe Flash Player last night (found on the top right corner of the page). However, the download is showing i used (and is currently showing) is up until version 10.6 for Max OS X (10.4- 10.6) but i'm sure i have 10.7 on my this a reason?


macrumors newbie
Original poster
Mar 28, 2011
What you are describing is not usual.
Contact Apple for support.

If it wont work tonight, I certainly will make a call. I thought starting here would be a great place and gave me a reason to register to this great forum.

It seems like some people can view these videos and some couldn't based on the below and stuff I've read on the net so far and was hoping to nail down the real reason for this and quickly remedy it.

From what you are saying, do you think I shouldn't have to load anything new into the MBP in order to view these videos?
It's weird how someone like WillGH had the same problem and by installing one program, it was fixed and other who don't have Perian on their setup can see them?


macrumors 6502
Feb 2, 2003
Gone to the Beach
Unless you are a developer you don't have 10.7. 10.6.7 is the latest public release. Inside the Flash Player download is an uninstaller. Run it then reinstall Flash Player. Repair Permissions using Disk Utility.
Nov 28, 2010
Hey Knoodles, the link i posted wasn't really a link, it was to show sort of what i think the link had in it vs. the link in my first posting...

I went to the link you posted for adobe and downloaded Adobe Flash Player last night (found on the top right corner of the page). However, the download is showing i used (and is currently showing) is up until version 10.6 for Max OS X (10.4- 10.6) but i'm sure i have 10.7 on my this a reason?

To identify what Mac OS X version you have, look below or click the link:

Identify your Mac and Mac OS X version, visualised in a more elaborate image


macrumors newbie
Original poster
Mar 28, 2011

I will try all of this tonight and post back my results or lack of lol. I will have updates on this post by tomorrow morning

Could be a permission thing as well...let's see what i can do!

Thanks again!!


macrumors newbie
Original poster
Mar 28, 2011
The link in this post leads to an unfound page. The only plug in that is commonly installed on all of my Macs is Flip4Mac. It's for WMV files and has nothing to do with Flash. Make sure you have the correct version of Flash Player installed for your system.

I just uninstalled and reinstalled Flash from your link, and i double checked for the good version and i have it. Still nothing :(


macrumors newbie
Original poster
Mar 28, 2011
Unless you are a developer you don't have 10.7. 10.6.7 is the latest public release. Inside the Flash Player download is an uninstaller. Run it then reinstall Flash Player. Repair Permissions using Disk Utility.

I did Repair Permissions using disk utility..still no video...
This is the exact link i am trying to view, nothing seems to be letter me do it? What the heck!

When i click on link, i see Eminem's body / face, a big box dead centre in the middle with the play icon in it. I can see that much, when i click on the play icon, it goes Black and just shows a loading circle but will never ever load.

What doesn't make sense is that i can watch the video here:

which is an actual Vevo channel for the same exact video. So...i can watch the video on Vevo, but not in the first link, but i can see it in the second??

Both have the youtube prefix...both play the same video, why is it that i cant load one of them? There is a reason, i just cant figure it out.


macrumors newbie
Original poster
Mar 28, 2011
Still not working...but i have more info to help us figure this out...

Hey Everyone,

I am resurrecting this posting for 2 reasons:

A) My You Tube Vevo Videos are still not working (and some no Vevo as well)
B) I have some info to add in hopes that we can finally solve this!!


So, I was working on my wife's profile this evening and decided to give my Vevo videos on youtube another shot. On my first attempt, it work perfectly and flawlessly. I thought it was a fluke so i punched in the names of 3 other artists who have videos i normally watch and they ALL started up instantly and played right away, this is exactly what i have been waiting for since i bought my Mac 2 weeks ago.

I immediately logged off her profile and went into mine and went to the same exact 4 videos, unfortunately not even 1 would load or play.

The difference between what happens in each of our profiles is this:

On my wife's profile, the minute I get onto the webpage containing the video i want to watch, it automatically loads it and starts playing and i have nothing to do at all. On my profile, when on the same exact page, the video will not load. I will see a "preview" of the video on the screen with the "triangle" representing play and once i click on it, it tries to load but can not, i get the loading circle pretty much forever.

Another thing that may help with this is that i had initially setup my wife's profile up first on the computer, she is the main account profile is you want to call it that. My profile was setup a few days later. I checked as many places i could think that may have limited my capabilities but have run out of places to look? Could something be limited or restricted on my profile blocking my viewing capabilities?? I noticed that i am having a very hard time viewing videos that are also not by Vevo.

I am not thinking there must be some sort of permissions setting that needs to be tweaked or something...funny thing, all the downloads i did e.g. Flash, Perian, etc...were all done from my profile and not my wife's lol.

Ok guys, lets put our heads together and figure this out now!!!

Suggestions please!!

Thanks so much, looking forward to finally fixes this hopefully :eek:



macrumors newbie
Original poster
Mar 28, 2011
Issue Resolved!!

After tons more reading, i stumbled across a site that suggested resetting several Safari settings along with deleting cookies and clear history and a few others. I did what was suggested, did a restart on my computer and it worked...wooohoooo!!! Everything is working fine now :)

Thanks for all the feedback i got from everyone!
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