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macrumors regular
Original poster
Sep 10, 2005
Hi all. I hope I am posting in the correct spot for this. I feel lucky this evening. As I was coming home from work and passing the dumpster in my apartments, I saw a computer sitting by the dumpster. I recognized it to be the type of Apple I used on occassion back in '95 at college. It turned out to be a Performa 6300CD.

I grabbed it and brought it in. The monitor was also with it. I plugged a power cable in a hit the power button on the back. It chimed and sounded like it was booting. I also grabbed the Apple monitor that was sitting with it, but I'm not sure it is working.

Here is my question. I would like to be able to plug in a current day LCD to it and hopefully make it a working machine. The video plug on it is not VGA. It is some type of old Apple port. I am looking for advice on how I can hook a present day LCD to it or where I can find a working Apple monitor with all the cables. When I plug in the monitor to it, the monitor power indicator light came on and flashed for awhile, but then stopped. Now just an orange light behind the front panel glows. It's the one to the far right of the ones on the left side.

The computer itself appears to be in great physical shape. The monitor has a large crack in the housing and may be damaged from being dropped on the concrete. No other cables were lying around with it.

Any tips in getting this guy back up and running would be greatly appreciated. I have attached a few pics of it.


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macrumors 68000
Feb 8, 2006
looking for trash files
slimflem said:
Here is my question. I would like to be able to plug in a current day LCD to it and hopefully make it a working machine. The video plug on it is not VGA. It is some type of old Apple port. I am looking for advice on how I can hook a present day LCD to it....

cool find. you need a mac video/vga adapter like this or something similar. would let you hook any current crt/lcd to the mac. watch out, as lots of these are the other way around, or are for hooking up mac monitors to vga cards, which won't work for you.

best of luck!


macrumors 601
Nov 16, 2004
I'm a fan of classic Macs, as my signature clearly indicates, but you're going to find very dim performance from a 6300 due to it's many issues that make its much slower and less stable than it should have been... by huge margins.

Benchmarks frequently put this 1996 - 1997 era *G2* Mac's performance at below that of the original 1994 *G1* Power Macs.

The only thing they were actually good at was watching TV... but yours doesn't even have the optional TV tuner (it would have been where the circle filler is to the left of the monitor port).

In conclusion, don't waste your money, as there is basically nothing you would want to do with this thing anyway. No web browsing, no mp3s, no games, no nothing. These things were even slow at word processing.
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