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macrumors 6502
Original poster
Mar 25, 2011
French Pyrenees
Finally 'need' to update my (wife's) 2007 Mac Mini, as Google calendar on the latest Safari (5.0.6) and Firefox (16.0.2) that run on 10.5.8 is losing essential features.
Question: do I go to 10.7 (so she can use Google drive, which she needs occasionaly and does on my 10.11 MBP now) or do i 'only' go up to 10.6, which runs fine on another MM 2007 we have?


macrumors 6502
Original poster
Mar 25, 2011
French Pyrenees
Whichever you choose you will have to purchase and install 10.6 since the System requirements for 10.7 is 10.6.6.

Here the link to purchase the 10.6.3 DVD from Apple:

I prefer 10.6 but, I would work towards 10.7 since she needs Google drive.

Got the DVD (family pack).
What are the major drawback of 10.7 vs 10.6 ? (on a 2007 MacMini, 2GHz 2GB RAM)


macrumors 68040
Jan 19, 2015
Oregon, USA
Got the DVD (family pack).
What are the major drawback of 10.7 vs 10.6 ? (on a 2007 MacMini, 2GHz 2GB RAM)
I felt that 10.6 was very stable, fast, and needed less hardware resources. It is getting pretty old with less and less support. I also used 10.7 and did not have any problems. I did not run 10.7 on a 2007 MM, it came installed on my 2011 MBP.


macrumors 6502
Original poster
Mar 25, 2011
French Pyrenees
I felt that 10.6 was very stable, fast, and needed less hardware resources. It is getting pretty old with less and less support. I also used 10.7 and did not have any problems. I did not run 10.7 on a 2007 MM, it came installed on my 2011 MBP.

I'll give 10.7 a try (when I have a bit more time); if (much) worse than 10.6 on our other (identical) 2007 MM I could always go back and install 10.6, I guess.
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macrumors 68020
Apr 3, 2012
I finally upgraded from 10.6 to 10.7 (MBP late 2011) due to I couldn't found printer driver compatible with my new printer. Having used 10.7 about a week, I found that 10.7 is quite stable and its speed is similar with 10.6. It feels like 10.6 with additional full screen window.
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