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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Dec 7, 2012
So I am looking for a case that turns the iPad (specifically the iPad 2) into a semi-netbook. I have only seen two I like (Crux360 & ClamCase). However, I have been able to found no recent reviews on either product. I have only seen poor customer service from ClamCase but that was a year+ ago.

Can anyone recommend one over the other? Or another "netbook" case?
Also, will a Zagg Invishield work with either of these cases?


macrumors newbie
Original poster
Dec 7, 2012
That looks amazing! My only question is when does it ACTUALLY arrive? They say it will be here by Christmas but I've been on preorders in various other industries and such promises are not always kept...

*edit* Actually that wouldn't work... I don't know how it will do with my screen protector and it doesn't cover the I am still between ClamCase and Crux360 if anyone has any input...
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macrumors 65816
May 4, 2012
I had a ClamCase. It was junk. Heavy with a very poor keyboard. Good luck on your search. BTW, Kickstarter backers of The Brydge have theirs now. Why do you need a screen protector with one of these cases?


macrumors 68020
Feb 27, 2011
I had a ClamCase. It was junk. Heavy with a very poor keyboard. Good luck on your search. BTW, Kickstarter backers of The Brydge have theirs now. Why do you need a screen protector with one of these cases?

Looking a lot into this at the moment, as I'm travelling quite a bit with my iPad, and sometimes a solid keyboard would be welcome on the journey. It's really two things for me:

1 - They fast solid typing of a keyboard itself
2 - The space it free's up on the screen when connecting a external keyboard. I'm quite fast on the on screen keyboard so that's quite okay in most cases, but it does take up a lot of on screen real estate.

If anyone receives this, please share some thoughts and let us know what you think. :apple:


macrumors regular
Oct 19, 2010
I have owned a Zaggmate keyboard case for my iPad 2 from Zagg. I absolutely loved it when I had received it as I was hesistent getting it from America. The Brydge case is something I have kept my eye on for a very long time and might purchase once review videos are up and people have received their orders!
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