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macrumors 6502a
Original poster
Jul 17, 2002
Los Angeles
I'm on a wireless network and I want to be able to access my files from my PowerMac to my iBook. The problem is when my PowerMac goes to sleep I can't see it on the network. Is there a way of waking the PowerMac up when I want to access its files? I also want the PowerMac to go to sleep when I'm not using it because I only need access a couple times a day but I dont want to go upstairs to wake it up. That's the point of netwoking, isn't it? Thanks in advance...


macrumors 68000
Oct 3, 2005
Nelson, BC. Canada
noel4r said:
I'm on a wireless network and I want to be able to access my files from my PowerMac to my iBook. The problem is when my PowerMac goes to sleep I can't see it on the network. Is there a way of waking the PowerMac up when I want to access its files? I also want the PowerMac to go to sleep when I'm not using it because I only need access a couple times a day but I dont want to go upstairs to wake it up. That's the point of netwoking, isn't it? Thanks in advance...

Have a look around for 'Wake-On-Lan' - I believe there are some network management apps around that will allow you to wake a remote machine up and then force it to sleep.

try these

Wake-on-lan won't keep the PMac awake though - it'll get a nudge, wake up, but then go to sleep again according to your Energy Saver settings.

Alternatively - I can't remember whether a VNC client (like Chicken of the VNC) would also wake up the PMac, if you used it to log on remotely.

I have a similar thing with my Squeezebox, it uses wake-on-lan to wake up the iMac running Slimserver - but will go to sleep again after an hour, as per it's Energy Saver settings.
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