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macrumors member
Original poster
Jan 26, 2008
i just bought a brand new black macbook. no apple care. yet. the apple store was a little annoying, i payed in cash which made me have to wait 20min for someone. well i unboxed it. the packaging was amazing. im very happy with it so far. im adjusting to the keys right now. they arent that comfy and i keep mistying. also im laying down and the screen brightness is affecting the key labels so it looks like none of my keys are labeled at all lmao. i updated which was very quick compared to how many hours of my life have been wasted away installing xp and updating on a pc with all the updates adn stuff. i havent fully tested everything out yet. im scared to type to hard on this thing. its my new official baby. well that and my zune ;) either way as a longtime pc user this is my very very first mac and so far i am satisfied. after i have further tested this thing out ill probably post again and let everyone know my gripes/loves. i also just noticed something awesome. below the dock its mirroring what im typing as if a reflection. so many cool little things about this laptop. like when i first started it up an hour ago the welcome video as awesome. no pcs have anything like that that i have encountered. im not an emotional guy but when i left the apple store i couldnt help but have a huge grin on my face.

ps i wish there was a damn maximize button. :)


macrumors 6502
Jan 25, 2008

Trust me on this, When i used windows, I couldn't work without the window being maximized. Now, I HATE having it maximized xD

I love seeing my BG, and all the windows behind the one on top.

I found my transition very easy. Most things were really easy!!

Hope you enjoy your new macbook!!!

PS. I've also got a Blackbook!!


macrumors member
Original poster
Jan 26, 2008
quick question.

if i max out the ram will i see a huge difference in performance?


macrumors member
Feb 14, 2008
i had the same issues when i got mine about a month and a half its all good. i would say if you have one gb go ahead and max it out but if you have two i'd stick with it for a while. it all depends on what you use it for really. hope you enjoy your blackbook as much as i'm enjoying mine


macrumors 6502a
quick question.

if i max out the ram will i see a huge difference in performance?

Not a huge difference, but it should be noticeable, especially if you like to run a lot of apps at the same time.

RAM is cheap, cheap, cheap, and always the best bang for your upgrade buck. Go to a longtime Mac vendor like OWC (Other World Computing) and you will get the best deal on tested/guaranteed RAM as well as trade in on what you remove.



macrumors member
Jan 4, 2008
Hold the Option button and click the Apple Logo--you should get the System Profiler and everything should be there.


macrumors member
Mar 14, 2008
i just bought a brand new black macbook. no apple care. yet. the apple store was a little annoying, i payed in cash which made me have to wait 20min for someone. well i unboxed it. the packaging was amazing. im very happy with it so far. im adjusting to the keys right now. they arent that comfy and i keep mistying. also im laying down and the screen brightness is affecting the key labels so it looks like none of my keys are labeled at all lmao. i updated which was very quick compared to how many hours of my life have been wasted away installing xp and updating on a pc with all the updates adn stuff. i havent fully tested everything out yet. im scared to type to hard on this thing. its my new official baby. well that and my zune ;) either way as a longtime pc user this is my very very first mac and so far i am satisfied. after i have further tested this thing out ill probably post again and let everyone know my gripes/loves. i also just noticed something awesome. below the dock its mirroring what im typing as if a reflection. so many cool little things about this laptop. like when i first started it up an hour ago the welcome video as awesome. no pcs have anything like that that i have encountered. im not an emotional guy but when i left the apple store i couldnt help but have a huge grin on my face.

ps i wish there was a damn maximize button. :)

yea when i buy a macbook in the summer i would come out of the 5 ave apple store in NYC with a huge grin on my face:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D


macrumors member
Original poster
Jan 26, 2008
i didnt even realize the apple logo was a menu. theres so much i have to find out haha. thanks so much for your help!

is there any software i should definitly invest in??


macrumors 65816
Feb 28, 2007
i didnt even realize the apple logo was a menu. theres so much i have to find out haha. thanks so much for your help!

is there any software i should definitly invest in??

Go to Apple's home page and find all the how to videos and watch them. They are done well. Im off to bed or I would find the link for ya. I just got my black macbook a few weeks ago and love it.
I switched to OSX and got an iMac a little over 2 years ago after many many years of windoze.
I have enjoyed the experriance till today and will never go back to windows.
Learn all the apps that your macbook came with and after viewing the videos and reading up some you will no what ya want and installing programs are so easy you won't beleive it.

Enjoy your new world--))) ;)


macrumors member
Jan 4, 2008
i didnt even realize the apple logo was a menu. theres so much i have to find out haha. thanks so much for your help!

is there any software i should definitly invest in??

iStatPro is fun! Make full use of your dashboard and docks!
Sorry to let you know but I invested on Office 2008.
Good luck! iChat some other time, it's krazy!


macrumors member
Jan 4, 2008
And don't forget to go to sleep! I lost a terrible amount of sleep time when my Mac came in. LOL


macrumors 604
Aug 28, 2007
San Francisco California, USA
Welcome to the PAAAARRTTYYY...

you won't sleep well at all for the next few days! You'll look for excuses to jump on your Brand New BlackBook; you'll wake up really early in the morning and the first thing you do, is check on your baby! You'll start to wonder why your friends and family don't email as much. And, of course you'll visit MacRumors: Forums more frequently. Don't worry, it's all good! Let your significant other know that you might be "out of commission" for a few days while you adjust to your new BlackBook. In fact, let your partner spend some time on it, (that's what I did, and she became an instant Mac Fan) who knows, they might join the party! Good Luck! :cool:


macrumors G3
May 28, 2005
I paid for Leopard with Cast and Debit (1/2 and 1/2) on launch day night, and it took me about 30 minutes from when I was handed the box to when I could complete the transaction.

Apple does not like cash I would say.


macrumors member
Original poster
Jan 26, 2008
yea i was up alot later than i should have been last night and up alot earlier now than i should be haha. im ready to skip work just to play with this damn thing.


macrumors 68000
Mar 28, 2006
West Plains, MO USA Earth
you won't sleep well at all for the next few days! You'll look for excuses to jump on your Brand New BlackBook; you'll wake up really early in the morning and the first thing you do, is check on your baby! You'll start to wonder why your friends and family don't email as much. And, of course you'll visit MacRumors: Forums more frequently. Don't worry, it's all good! Let your significant other know that you might be "out of commission" for a few days while you adjust to your new BlackBook. In fact, let your partner spend some time on it, (that's what I did, and she became an instant Mac Fan) who knows, they might join the party! Good Luck! :cool:

I thought it was just me...:eek:


macrumors member
Original poster
Jan 26, 2008
actually im a machinist lol. i mainly use cad and cam (computer aided drawing and computer aided manufacturing.) and besides those in general i was wondering what software is worth it ingeneral like .mac and stuff. thanks for the help guys!
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