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macrumors 68040
Original poster
May 6, 2004
What's Your Favorite Posish
howesey said:
It's a problem with the new design for the 20" for both rev C and Intel Macs. Apple however, will not accept that there's a problem.

They may be of interest.

My iSight G5 was HORRIFIC. I sent it back and got a refund. There is no problem with the InteliMacs - Mine is SILENT (not an exaggeration) and from every user report i have read, it sounds like all inteimacs are silent


macrumors 6502a
Dec 3, 2005
BakedBeans said:
My iSight G5 was HORRIFIC. I sent it back and got a refund. There is no problem with the InteliMacs - Mine is SILENT (not an exaggeration) and from every user report i have read, it sounds like all inteimacs are silent
The Core Duo's run much cooler than PPC. My mum has a Centrino laptop, take it apart on it has no fans and runs near cool.

too late to take my iMac back for a refund, all I can do is complain. :(


macrumors 65816
Jul 29, 2005
Don't step into the kawoosh...
I must be one of the lucky ones with my 17in Rev B iMac. I usually have it on 24/7 running folding@home so the fans are on almost all the time. But as soon as i quit folding the fans turn off and everything is silent. I even have the processor performance set on highest.


macrumors 68040
Original poster
May 6, 2004
What's Your Favorite Posish
howesey said:
The Core Duo's run much cooler than PPC. My mum has a Centrino laptop, take it apart on it has no fans and runs near cool.

too late to take my iMac back for a refund, all I can do is complain. :(

Its just that you said intel macs had fan problems, and they dont

sorry about your imac - if its noisy get them to change it


macrumors 601
Mar 15, 2005
Yeah, my room has really been quiet, since iMac Core Duo arrived. My Powerbook, being connected to my ACD, would ramp up when doing a few things. I didn't mind. Noise doesn't bother me, but the iMac sure handles it nicely from a cooling perspective.


Moderator emeritus
Mar 16, 2004
Andover, MA
BakedBeans said:
...There is no problem with the InteliMacs - Mine is SILENT (not an exaggeration) and from every user report i have read, it sounds like all inteimacs are silent
Not mine. I just got a 17", and, in a quiet room, if I put my ear to the back, I can sometimes tell it's on. ;)

Seriously, this is the quietest computer I've ever used - it certainly rivals the Cube (never had one, but used a friend's once).


macrumors 68040
Original poster
May 6, 2004
What's Your Favorite Posish
jsw said:
Not mine. I just got a 17", and, in a quiet room, if I put my ear to the back, I can sometimes tell it's on. ;)

Seriously, this is the quietest computer I've ever used - it certainly rivals the Cube (never had one, but used a friend's once).


thats exactly what i mean. I pushed it to the brink of collapse earlier - could i hear the fans?

could i fu..........


macrumors regular
Jan 14, 2006
Hmmm, maybe you have a prob

BakedBeans said:
I got my new 20 inch imac here, and im over the moon with it, however after a couple of day the fans seem to be quite noisy and quite 'buzzy'... they are constant from the minute i turn the computer on in the morning

Hey bakdbeans,

My imac 17" intel is VERY quiet.... If you listen very very carefully there's a tiny low hum and vibration, but even in a silent room its almost inaudible..
Maybe you have a problem :-(


macrumors 68000
Feb 19, 2003
Planet Zebes
17" RevC with no noise problems. It is pretty silent unless it's running a lot of apps, a disk is in the drive running, or it is running some heavier apps.......or when the room is silent in the middle of the night and I'm using it.


macrumors 68040
Original poster
May 6, 2004
What's Your Favorite Posish
bigfib said:
Hey bakdbeans,

My imac 17" intel is VERY quiet.... If you listen very very carefully there's a tiny low hum and vibration, but even in a silent room its almost inaudible..
Maybe you have a problem :-(

That was the G5 - its now been replaced with a SILENT intel imac :)


macrumors 68000
Nov 5, 2004
bigfib said:
Hey bakdbeans,

My imac 17" intel is VERY quiet.... If you listen very very carefully there's a tiny low hum and vibration, but even in a silent room its almost inaudible..
Maybe you have a problem :-(
Note the date of the original post.


macrumors 68040
May 15, 2005
mine is noisy

Well, as I posted here my new intelimac has EXACTLY the same buzzing, whinning, clicking sound that my older rev c IMAC had. Except this one seems a bit worse. More click click click, than the funny small ariplane sounds. If it doesn't go away i'll send it back.

What about covering the whole in the back, that makes it go away? Is that so wrong?

how can I test out temperature?


macrumors regular
Jan 14, 2006

BakedBeans said:
That was the G5 - its now been replaced with a SILENT intel imac :)

Sllly me. I read "intel" instead of "imac"...

Glad we're all happy with our intelImac's then. :)


macrumors 68040
Original poster
May 6, 2004
What's Your Favorite Posish
tivoboy said:
Well, as I posted here my new intelimac has EXACTLY the same buzzing, whinning, clicking sound that my older rev c IMAC had. Except this one seems a bit worse. More click click click, than the funny small ariplane sounds. If it doesn't go away i'll send it back.

What about covering the whole in the back, that makes it go away? Is that so wrong?

how can I test out temperature?

that is a malfunction - dont wait for it to go away, dont tape things up - send it back for a replacement.



macrumors 6502
Jan 16, 2006
New York, NY
Loudest thing about my new Core Duo is the scroll wheel on the mighty mouse.

Speaking of which, does everyone know that the scrolling sound is fake, there is a speaker inside the mouse. If you unplug the mouse and use the scroll wheel it is silent.


macrumors 68000
Feb 27, 2004
My Rev B? 1.8GHz G5 iMac was nice and quiet for nearly a year... then a week or two it died.

So, I took it in to the Apple store and had it repaired (under warranty). They replaced the power supply and logic board - all seemed fine at first, but now after a couple of days of having it back the fan is running constantly.

Turning the Processor Performance to "Automatic" helps some, but it's still not the silent wonder it was before. :(


macrumors 65816
Apr 15, 2004
My 20'' IntelliMac is completly silent. Never had a G5 so I dunno?

My PC has 11 - 120mm fans in it, so it sounds like a vacum cleaner <3 so Any little noise now from my iMac would be nothing


macrumors newbie
Jan 20, 2007
New 20" imac fan

Ok, had the same problem with the the fan. It was driving me nuts, to the point where I plugged out at the wall while it was still on. Not advised but strangely enough turned it back on and the fan was back to it's original silent purr. Obviously, not the most technical sollution but if your a little impatient like me, well, worth a shot!
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