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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Jan 23, 2019
Solved New Mac Mini Bluetooth and Wifi Connectivity.
My new Mac Mini was experiencing horrendous issues with Bluetooth and Wifi connectivity. I am currently working with Apple to find a long term solution; however, for now, I have completely resolved my issue. I was using an Asus MB-189B+ USB 3.0 monitor. nowhere in either the Apple documentation or Asus' did it indicate a lack of compatibility. In fact, this monitor does work seamlessly with the new patched Beta4 OS X on other MacBook Pros. With the new Mini, the combination is a train wreck. It is either EFI or an underpowered buss shared by the external ports, Bluetooth and Wifi. Apple does not advertise the outward facing USB as 2.9 but for now, it is evident from the length of this thread you know something is wrong and they have yet to come forward with any recognition of our issues. Can you say 'Antenna Gate?'
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