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macrumors 6502
Original poster
Feb 22, 2008
Like many, i think we will see some nice changes during WWDC.
my personal predictions are that during WWDC, uproar will happen as the line between macbook and mbp become even thinner, a separate event will happen during the last few months of the year where the mbp will shine in all its glory with a new design to increase the mb and mbp gap.
i'm sure apple are thinking of re designs..they cant possibly stick to their current designs for much longer, the halo affect will disappear soon.

What you describe is a very good strategy. Are you in marketing or something? LOL! Seriously though, it would be better for sales to release a new MB design at WWDC (or around that time), boosting the MB hype and sales. Then later this year, just as the sales peak, release an new MBP design, and whoosh, watch the sales go up again.

And as someone stated before, Mr. Jobs has the GreenPeace guys breathing down his neck to go all-aluminum, reportedly by the end of the year.


macrumors 6502
Aug 9, 2006
Long Island, NY, USA
I am a huge fan of the white Macbook. I think if they make it aluminum it is too easily confusable with the MBP and it's the last thing distinguishing it as a consumer product.
I always thought the white plastic = consumer, aluminum = pro strategy was a good one, but that idea seems to have died a long time ago.

Just look at the iMac, iPods etc. I still think the MacBook looks great, but it's obviously not where Apple's design is headed.

Lovers of white plastic should buy a new MacBook now as it will almost certainly be the last white plastic Mac for a long time.


macrumors 68020
Nov 10, 2006
I was hoping for a case redesign as well. I recently purchased the Air, but continue to have a hard time justifying the $3K cost. I wish Apple re-did the Macbook or at least added multi-touch. I love the multi-touch feature of the Air!
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