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macrumors 6502
Original poster
Dec 16, 2007
I've been looking at the new Macbooks, but have heard rumors that they have less battery life and are slower.

Is this true?


macrumors 65816
Aug 20, 2006
Carlisle, PA
I've been looking at the new Macbooks, but have heard rumors that they have less battery life and are slower.

Is this true?

No, and no.

They actually have more battery life and are about the same speed, maybe ever so slightly faster.

The only reason why it might seem like they have less battery life is because before, apple was measuring the battery life with wifi off, brightness down, and you were using a text document. Now, they have a much more rigorous battery testing regimen, that is more accurate with regard to real life usage


macrumors regular
Nov 27, 2007
the batteries last longer, I read that the new processors don't use up as much energy, and they've improved the LCDs also. Much better than the old ones. :D


macrumors 6502
Jan 15, 2008
Sydney, AU
That's interesting, I've been looking at MacBooks all week and most have had the washed out display with a really narrow sweet spot. Saw a white one yesterday that looked gorgeous, not the same as the MBA but very close.

I just thought it was my wishful thinking :)


macrumors newbie
Mar 3, 2008
my mermom or whatever hit the fans HARD running old apps, my penyrn opens those same apps, then all my other ones without hitting the fans past 3000. although the idle cycle louder on the penryn, core intensive operations are handled much better, with little heat. that is the difference. that, sse4 multimedia instruction support, and the 45nm manufacturing that makes the chip more efficient. I know you probably know the technical differences, but believe me, i dont work for apple, and the penyrn is very worthwhile it.:)

think about it...if they switch chip sets in june, which is a possibility, the change will be drastic and bug riddled. you would still be waiting for next versions of those. im waiting for the 200% gains in 2009/10:eek: when intel eliminates the front side bus and locks the ram right into the processor. right along the way to glowing orb computing. anyway, these penryns will suffice till then.


macrumors 68000
Sep 23, 2007
I have read where the batteries on the new Macbooks are only getting 2- 2 1/2 hours of battery time. I am getting close to 4 hours on my 2.2 SR Macbook.


macrumors newbie
Mar 3, 2008
i dont know what im getting yet. i got 5 or 6 my first day:D but i wasnt running apps, just airport. time will tell i guess, but they seem about the same.


macrumors 6502
Mar 6, 2008
Northern Virginia
One more thing

i got about 4 hr batt. lifee on my old 2.2GHZ(Nov. 07) model and im getting about 4.5hr on my 2.4(feb. 08) take it from some1 who owns on not some1 spreading rumors about how the new one suck because he got one and didnt no they were gonna be updated


macrumors 68000
Sep 23, 2007
New ones are faster have more batt. life more ram sand. on faster model and cheaper why would apple update a produt to make it worse u idoit:apple:

i got about 4 hr batt. lifee on my old 2.2GHZ(Nov. 07) model and im getting about 4.5hr on my 2.4(feb. 08) take it from some1 who owns on not some1 spreading rumors about how the new one suck because he got one and didnt no they were gonna be updated

Your statement might have more impact if you could actually spell, use commas, and think in complete sentences. You have a lot of nerve calling someone an idiot.


macrumors G5
Mar 20, 2003
Bay Area
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