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macrumors member
Original poster
Feb 15, 2008
Well I was going to order my MB online last night, but saw the rumored updates and held off. Now that things are clear I pose this question.

I was planning on buying the 2.2 MB with 1GB RAM and 120GB HD. I was going to get 4GB RAM and the WD320 GB HD and install myself. My question now is, can I still do these two upgrades on the newly updated MB or will it not work for some reason?

Sorry if this has already been addressed, and thanks in advance. :apple:


macrumors member
Jul 24, 2007
Well if this helps. i got the new macbook today. 2.4ghz 160 gb HD. and i already upped the ram to 4gigs myself today!! IT WORKS GREAT
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