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macrumors 68020
Jul 9, 2008
I used a DEll Adamo before it came out while I was a SXSW. Used it hated it.


Limited IO
Weird construction (not smooth)
Too expensive.

Even if you love Windows, the MBA is still a better buy w/ Bootcamp. The adamo was so underpowered and still started at like 2K.

This thing will probably be ATom and start at $1299. no thanks.


Sep 19, 2008
This isn't just another Adamo; this is an XPS which is Dell's more powerful branding. I expect a 2 GHz or maybe even a 2.13 GHz CPU in it and better graphics too.

Bottom line is Windows 7 truly competes with OS X too. Apple can make fun of Windows but 7 is a significant change to the end user.

Apple will be responding two ways very soon. The MacBook will be significantly thinner and around 3.5 lbs. The MBA will be a thinner version also, and I hope that doesn't mean CULV/ULV...

The current MBA blows away the current Adamo... we will see what happens to the MBA to see if same holds true vs. Adamo XPS. I fear thin will mean a less powerful MBA. I cannot see a better form factor with even the same horsepower. Unless... liquid cooling...


macrumors 65816
Jun 18, 2005
This isn't just another Adamo; this is an XPS which is Dell's more powerful branding. I expect a 2 GHz or maybe even a 2.13 GHz CPU in it and better graphics too.

The current MBA blows away the current Adamo... we will see what happens to the MBA to see if same holds true vs. Adamo XPS. I fear thin will mean a less powerful MBA. I cannot see a better form factor with even the same horsepower. Unless... liquid cooling...
They could be doing what Sony has been doing for a while with the Vaio P in Japan, is offering it with the 2.0ghz Atom cpu. I have seen speeds test of the 2.0ghz and SSD and its surprisingly pretty fast for a netbook. I have yet to see the Atom Z be paired with a gpu other than the gma500(which is better than the 950 for video, even medium HD), but since this an XPS I hope to see something like what ever nvidia is calling the update 9400 gpu.

As for the MBA, intel has release specs and such for the ULV cpu/gpu combo, so Apple could go that route. I read in total(gpu and cpu) its lower power usage than the current Core 2 Duo ULV cpus, and it should be better performing than the current LV cpu. But, then again maybe Apple is waiting to see what Intel is planning for the LV cpus/gpu combo.


macrumors 65816
Jan 2, 2008
thinness does nothing for me it's all about the weight

I picked up an MBA and I was shocked at how heavy it was I expected it be much lighter.


macrumors 6502a
Feb 28, 2008
thinness does nothing for me it's all about the weight

I picked up an MBA and I was shocked at how heavy it was I expected it be much lighter.
keep in mind that it is using a cast aluminum shell. while it is super strong compared to plastic, it will add some weight to the unit. i believe that is a fair trade-off.


macrumors 6502a
Original poster
Jul 30, 2009
2 new images leaked by Dell!

Courtesy Engadget



This thing is king of thin now, wow! I still shudder to think what its specs are going to be, I'm hoping by some miracle it will have something more powered than I imagine.

Someone help me with the ports there:

1st pic: 1 USB and 1 HDMI?!
2nd pic: headphone, power and what's in between? Another USB?


macrumors 6502a
Jun 22, 2009
No idea what the ports are. But that's quite thin. Not sure how I feel about the design of the whole thing though.


macrumors 68020
Jul 9, 2008
That's insane. There's no way this machine will be reliable, fast or cheap.

The orig MacBook Air price at nearly 3K was extremely expensive w/ a few construction issues. I have a feeling this will be no different and after all we have to remember, it's running Windows.


macrumors 6502
Mar 22, 2009
Rockville (Despite REM's plea.)
Someone help me with the ports there:

1st pic: 1 USB and 1 HDMI?!
2nd pic: headphone, power and what's in between? Another USB?

The middle port in the second image has what looks to be a USB symbol to the left, so I am guessing a that's what it is. The first image looks like hdmi followed by usb (top to bottom).

It will be interesting to see what the final specs are as well as price.

Edit: That is a DisplayPort and not an HDMI, thanks Chundles.


macrumors G5
Jul 4, 2005
Image 1.

Ports are from top:

1. DisplayPort
2. USB

Image 2.

Ports are from left:

1. Audio
2. USB
3. Most likely power, it has the "line with three bits underneath" icon


macrumors 604
Jul 4, 2008
Silicon Valley
There is NO way that this XPS thing can possibly have a Core 2 Duo or better processor. Any non-Atom processor will burn clean a flaming hole through the chassis. I'm thinking it will have a glorified Atom (maybe 2.0Ghz+) and integrated graphics at best. It obviously has limited I/O.

Currently, the MBA is the king and queen of ultraportables. It carries the Apple/Mac branding, higher specs, and cheaper price than the Adamo, Sony whatever they call it, and Lenovo's X301. I could get the best MBA that runs circles around the fastest Adamo which is like 2x the price.


macrumors 65816
Jun 18, 2005
Currently, the MBA is the king and queen of ultraportables. It carries the Apple/Mac branding, higher specs, and cheaper price than the Adamo, Sony whatever they call it, and Lenovo's X301. I could get the best MBA that runs circles around the fastest Adamo which is like 2x the price.
I would like to think the Sony X and the MBA are kind of in a different category as it is a an 11in device vs the 13in of a MBA. If we classify them as the same class what to stop us from comparing the those new 11.6in machine that cost 450-500 and come with an optional dual core cpu, lack of optical drive, and low weight to the MBA. I want to say the closes thing Sony has to the MBA would be the 13in Vaio Z, which only weighs .2lbs more than Air; but, it's not super thin like the Air and its spec are similar to the MBP.

At this point in time there is no way going super thin(11in-13in) laptop using the LV cpu you see in the MBA. You might see a CULV cpu, and a non Intel based gpu if your lucky. Maybe once 32nm or 22nm cpu come out.Then again, I could be wrong here if someone figured out some interesting/better way to cool things.


Sep 19, 2008
I will gladly take the thickness of the current MBA to get the LV CPU over a CULV. What matters first is weight and second thickness.

I really wish Apple would keep the current form factor and move forward with higher powered CPUs and GPUs. At some point too thin is ridiculous and the computer loses power, functionality, and durability all to achieve thinness. I know Apple is going to go thinner, because Steve Jobs is addicted to thin. It has to eat at him that Dell has achieved 10mm. That's too thin in my book. It doesn't appear the Adamo XPS will even sit nicely on a lap. It looks like it will snap apart at the hinge if mishandled. And what does thin really accomplish beyond a certain point.

For me primary Mac functionality of the MBA equals me buying it. If/when the MBA loses that, I will be done with the MBA. I cannot go backwards to 1.4 GHz or go Ion and be happy. Apple needs to determine how to improve the MBA's current function, capabilities, and power to equal success. A tablet will win out over an MBA that isn't capable of being a primary Mac.

Maybe when we see the new MacBook the MBA will become irrelevant if the form factor migrates to MB and Air becomes the secondary Mac?


macrumors 65816
Jun 18, 2005
That's too thin in my book. It doesn't appear the Adamo XPS will even sit nicely on a lap. It looks like it will snap apart at the hinge if mishandled. And what does thin really accomplish beyond a certain point.
That is a good point. I would hope Dell did extensive durability testing(saw a video of Vaio X being tested for durability), or else we will be seeing stories of snapped in half laptops.


macrumors 6502a
Oct 27, 2006
New York City
Why arnt we all laughing about how unbelievable ugly and poorly designed the Adamo XPS is?

I can completely understand why they showed the carefully selected promo pics they did before. Anything to keep people from seeing this hilarious design for as long as possible.

I thought that thing was going to tip over when he opened it and left it alone there on the edge of the table.

Since you still have to lift to open it, why the required touch "heat-sensing" strip?

I agree, it is rather ugly.


macrumors G4
Jun 11, 2009
I don't get it (in Tom Hanks/Big voice)...

I just saw a video of where you run your finger across the top of the laptop to "unlock" it and then you can swing it open into that horrid scissor design. There's a couple of things I don't get and maybe I'm missing something.

1) Heat sensitive strip to "unlock" the laptop for opening it. WHY? It's not automatic, you still have to put your finger under the lid and pull it up, so why do you have the extra step? For the life of me I can't figure out how this is cool, unless it's somehow James Bonishly attached to only your heat signature and will only unlock for you? But seriously a fingerprint strip that only unlocked the laptop for registered users would have been very cool. But to just add an extra step that does nothing and means nothing, I'm a bit confused.

2) What's with the scissor shape? Looks like it would be hard to use as a gasp... "laptop", ie: a computer meant to be used on your lap. Also it makes it look like the rear of the unit it just wasted space, they could have used it to make the screen larger, or just make the laptop smaller. Another confusing point to me.

Overall pretty meh, sure it's thin, but looks like it wasn't well thought out, or rather was too much thought out.


macrumors 65816
Feb 5, 2008
NYC - Manhattan
It is a perfect example of Dell's design prowess: A nightmare for usability, objectively unattractive, pointless 'gee whiz' feature (touch sensitive unlocking)...

A failed attempt to rip off the design of a more successful competitor that completely misses the point of the original design.


macrumors regular
Sep 1, 2009
At first I thought it looked pretty nice (and thought some of you were just being windows haters with comments about it's design), but after seeing the latest picture, I think not...


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