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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Dec 29, 2014
London, England
Dear All,

We are proud to announce that our first app, built with Codea, is now released!

‘Infested Mars’ now available on the Apple App Store (December 2014)


London, UK. The app ‘Infested Mars’ offers players a challenging and visually stunning real-time strategy wargame, easy to learn, hard to master and with a wide variety of options to satisfy those new to the genre as well as veteran strategists.


...Earth is dying...

...The terraforming of Mars is the last hope for our survival...

...Teams of rovers have transformed the atmosphere, planted forests and built habitations ready for Human colonization...

...But these new conditions have awoken the long dormant spores of an aggressive life-form, threatening the fragile ecology of this transformed world...

With human shuttles en-route, you must marshal your limited resources to combat this alien threat...

The fate of Humanity rests on your ability to defend...


Infested Mars is now available for £1.99 in the UK and is priced accordingly in other regions.

Please visit for more information including support, game guide, multimedia and forum.

This app is developed by BrookeVickers, an iOS game development partnership founded in 2013.

For more information please contact:

Simon Brooke & Patrick Vickers at


Twitter: @broovickgames
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