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macrumors 68000
Original poster
Oct 9, 2010
There's often a strange slightly looking vacant effect when using the self portrait on the iPhone due to what you need to look at to see what the lens is seeing. It mainly looks wrong but with some practice you can shift your gaze to the lens but then the vertical position of the lens has to be just right.

This is very handing for doing say a passport or other ID photo that doesn't look weird.

Basically you want to be looking right into the lens and usually you'll want the lends at around your eye level as would take place in a normal situation where someone was using a dslr to shoot you. This is done instead with the rear camera.

This gets you an immediate quality increase. Now stand in front of the mirror have the back of the camera facing you start with the lens at below eye level so you are able to see enough of what the screen shows to be able to position yourself. Once you feel you've got the angle right to centre yourself, you then move the lens down just a bit to eye level. Then when you're all set with your thumb on the volume button to take the shot, just look at the lens as if someone else is taking the photo.

Wa la. Instant portrait first time that doesn't have the eyes looking in an uncanny direction.
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