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macrumors Haswell
Original poster
May 3, 2009
So I've purchased things from newegg in the past, and largely I've been very content with them. Their return policy is not the most consumer friendly, though I have successfully returned some things. I now buy things from Microcenter since they're local and they're more consumer friendly.

Anyways, I'm sure most of you heard about the exploding PSUs. NewEgg was bundling GPUs and PSUs, that is, if you were lucky enough to find a GPU in stock at newegg, you also got a power supply - need it or not - more like e-waste. Steve from GamerNexus did a story (now a series of Yts) about about 50% of those PSUs are literally exploding/causing fires.

Others are picking up on this, and while its not completely NewEgg's fault, since Gigabyte made the PSUs and it seems they were fully aware of the issues for months prior to selling them, its bad for NewEgg as the one giving them away.

Here's an Arts Technica story on the topic
Exploding power supplies are now the worst thing about the Newegg Shuffle
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