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Original poster
Jun 4, 2000
Alexandria, VA
Take a look...


After installing my Stealth Serial Port on my DP G4 800, I was able to install a pacakge on my Newton MP 130 using "NewTen" for OS X. Cake.



Original poster
Jun 4, 2000
Alexandria, VA
Glad to have inspired...

Go with the Stealth Serial Port if
- You might ever want to talk via AppleTalk to another mac / laserprinter
- Want the least compatibility issues
- Can sacrifice your modem (must remove modem to install Stealth)



macrumors 68030
Jan 9, 2002
Ha ha haaa!
It's so tempting, but I'm not sure if I want to sacrifice my modem! On some occassions my DSL has been down and I like being able to fall back on the modem... there's no way I could create some kind of extension and a/b switch and attach the port down in one of my PCI slots?

(I have no idea what that would entail even if it was possible. :D )


Original poster
Jun 4, 2000
Alexandria, VA
Originally posted by Hemingray
It's so tempting, but I'm not sure if I want to sacrifice my modem! On some occassions my DSL has been down and I like being able to fall back on the modem... there's no way I could create some kind of extension and a/b switch and attach the port down in one of my PCI slots?

(I have no idea what that would entail even if it was possible. :D )
Afraid not. Your only option (unless you want to grab a USB ore regular serial modem to use if in a bind) would be to use the Keyspan USB-based device. It will work for the Newten app, anyway, it seems. I needed AppleTalk, so I had to go Stealth Serial Port.



macrumors 68040
Oct 28, 2001
San Luis Obispo, CA

Newtons are worth anywhere from 50 dollars to about 175 dollars. I used to have one, I think I still do, but I can't find it.

I think my brother took it from me, but I called him; he said he didn't have it.

I still think he has it...

Mr. Anderson

Moderator emeritus
Nov 1, 2001
Very impressive Blakespot. I don't have a handheld yet, and I've been holding out for a new mac version, but after seeing this, I might have to reconsider and get a Newton on eBay. Any recommendations for someone who has never used one? What should I get/avoid?


macrumors 68030
Jan 9, 2002
Ha ha haaa!
Originally posted by blakespot
Good to great quality MessagePad 2100's usually go for more than $175 on eBay, MacAztec.


Unless you were lucky like me and got one for $105. :D

I'm a purist, dukestreet, so I had to have one of the original 2100's, not the upgraded 2000's. But if that doesn't matter to you, you can probably find an upgraded 2000 to 2100 for a little less.


Original poster
Jun 4, 2000
Alexandria, VA
Well, the Newton is pretty much a deal platform. That is, there are no new apps coming for it. NewtonScript was an incredible OO language, and as it was such a sheer joy to develop for it, there's prob. an app or two that pops up a few times a year. Arn, here, was quite a NewtonScript developer in his day:

Anyway, it has the best OS and general "feel" of any handheld out there. That said, there may be something worthwhile in using one even today. I have an MP130, which is the best pad formfactor Newton next to the MP2000/2100. And it's slow. It has a 25MHz ARM 610 CPU. The MP2000/2100 has a 162MHz StrongARM--many times more powerful. The 2000 has less internal "heap" memory, and as such every so often you could not load a new app and would have to reset. This was resolved in the 2100. So I'd get a 2100, either a straight 2100 or an MP2000 that has been upgraded to a 2100. But you're going to pay $200 or so for that on eBay.

My MP130 that I got 1.5 years ago was new in box, mind condition. I sold my MP2100 in a fit of insanity 3 years ago or so. I would like to get a beat-up (< $100) MP2100 to play with again now that I've got OS X connectivity. We'll see how it goes.

I've got my fingers in too many pots presently, though. Ethernet hardware coming for the Mac Plus, still setting up the Atari 8-bit systems being served by a hacked Win98 machine, and now there's something new on the horizon that I'm not going to even mention here lest someone else bid on it first! Maybe I'll wait on that MP2100...



macrumors 65816
Mar 11, 2002
Franklin, TN
If anyone wants a newton i have been considering getting rid of mine... im not sure what model it is (its packed up in abox somewhere.. i'll check) It has some accesories (flash card.. modem..) and a leather case...

I wouldnt want much for it... just would want it to go to someone who would use it, rather than sitting in a box in storage...

email me and we will work something out.


>>> its a H1000 w/ 2MD flash card and newton modem card



macrumors newbie
May 1, 2002
Arlington, VA
Newton and Classic from a newbie

Last night I was surfing and saw all this stuff about Newton (had abandoned it in '99 b/c I only had NCU on floppies and that's when I bought my iMac).

I found NCU still available for download, so I thought try it just for fun. I downloaded and installed it (believe it was 1.0). (I'm running 8.6 on a grape G3 333 if anyone is interested.)

Anyway, I pulled out my MP130 and plugged it in. The thing came to life after lying on the floor of my apartment for at least three years. And the original backup battery, while probably seven years old, still had enough charge to preserve the data on it. Incredible.

So I figured I would try using my serial to USB adapter (believe it's an Entrega USB Xchange) and running NCU just for fun.

What do you know. It found the Newton and I successfully backed up everything on the MP130. Even successfully put packages on.

I ended up staying awake till about 4:30 just looking around kind of in shock.

So the short answer is you can probably do something similar.

And if I bore you guys with this, I'm sorry. It's just a great feeling to know I can still use what is still the best PDA out there.

God, Apple's a great company.


macrumors newbie
Nov 12, 2001
I just found my Newton H1000 when I had to move everything out of my office to make way for some new AC ducting. It has slipped behind a row of books on a shelf. And now I'm looking for something fun to do with it.

Unfortunately, this is the oldest of the oldest Newtons. I'm not sure whats possible with it anymore. I've hear tell of a VNC app for it (well, for Newtons -- not sure if this old guy can handle it) and both bluetooth and wireless drivers. I found the VNC, but not the other drivers.

If anyone else has dredged one of these back into use in this modern era of OS X and no serial ports, I'd love to hear from you! :)


macrumors 65832
Aug 2, 2004
Nonsanity said:
If anyone else has dredged one of these back into use in this modern era of OS X and no serial ports, I'd love to hear from you! :)
My Newton has been in use for years... of course I have no shortage of serial ports though.

jamesW135 said:
Whoa that's cool. What can you sync it with. Programs? Which ones?
The only app I sync is Address Book, but I think you can sync iCal too (I don't use iCal though).
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