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Wonder Boy

macrumors 6502a
Feb 18, 2003
South Windsor, CT
i would never use it, but what about an add on controller the plugs into the dock connector? the set up would look like and upsidedown "T" i guess, but it would have a similar orientation to a old school game boy.


macrumors 65816
Jun 28, 2004
crachoar said:
(if this is true....)

Good thing Apple is listening to their customers! Damn! The demand for a 'game iPod' is so huge!

But nobody wants the ability to play videos on (or from) their iPods.....nope...

Also, playing games on the iPod click will would suck. They would need to add a d-pad at least (aka, clutter)...

Why doesn't Apple just suck it up and make a new version of the Newton called the 'iPod something-er-rather' that does everything?

i don't know if you were just joking? but video on the ipod is in the top 3 demands right now. Make movies downloadable in the divx format (a very compressed format) then tweak it so you can't copy it. Then sell them off the itms. video out of the ipod would make it a portable video player at vhs quality. they could sell the sienfeld episodes to go and then you could watch them in the updated dvd player. it will happen sooner or later but maybe a diff format?


macrumors 6502a
Jan 15, 2003
Brooklyn, NY
I don't think the iPod should venture into these other medias. I think it should concentrate on music soley. Jobs was right not to go the path of video. And Im not too sure about this photo stuff either. Games are something i definately disagree with because how many games can honestly be made that will work successfully with a clicker wheel. Its just another reason waste battery life on color screens and bigger ipod models.


macrumors 6502a
Oct 21, 2003
The clickwheel would be perfect for old-school arcade games with the wheel.

I'm thinking: Tempest (or a real Breakout).

But imagine what would happen if Apple opened up developing of games to the public? The market and product choice would explode. Yes gaming on ipods sounds stupid but so does the idea of paying for ringtones and look at that market.


macrumors newbie
Nov 25, 2004
Essex, UK
am i the only one thinking...

hang on, am i the only one thinking...

the perfect game for the scroll wheel (of any ipod) - free rotation, with a nice big fire button in the middle...



please, apple. you've built the controller. give us the game! :D


macrumors 6502a
Nov 19, 2003

Tetris would be a really solid one to do...wheel moves the block to the left and right and click button rotates it. There's really honestly no reason current iPods couldn't have downloadable games as of right now. I think adding graphically intensive games wouldn't happen since Apple's trying to keep the iPod on the music/photos track. The next possible thing I see it being useful for is possibly a presentation tool with Keynote/Powerpoint integration and a future wireless/bluetooth module built-in.


macrumors newbie
Oct 19, 2004
JDOG_ said:
Tetris would be a really solid one to do...wheel moves the block to the left and right and click button rotates it. There's really honestly no reason current iPods couldn't have downloadable games as of right now. I think adding graphically intensive games wouldn't happen since Apple's trying to keep the iPod on the music/photos track. The next possible thing I see it being useful for is possibly a presentation tool with Keynote/Powerpoint integration and a future wireless/bluetooth module built-in.

Look at this,



macrumors 6502a
Nov 22, 2003
nomadpete said:
hang on, am i the only one thinking...

the perfect game for the scroll wheel (of any ipod) - free rotation, with a nice big fire button in the middle...



please, apple. you've built the controller. give us the game! :D

You need to be able to move the ship up and down, left and right too in Asteroids. That would be hard to do in the 3G iPods. In the 4Gs it could work well, though.


macrumors 68020
Mar 10, 2003
titaniumducky said:
You need to be able to move the ship up and down, left and right too in Asteroids. That would be hard to do in the 3G iPods. In the 4Gs it could work well, though.

You must have never played the original asteroids, or even 'roids on the atari 2600. All you have to be able to do is rotate left and right, and thrust is another button.. Shoot is another... and maybe shields and/or hyperspace is another. Perfectly doable on the 3g interface. (actually more suited to the 3g since you won't have to press the whole wheel down to do it).


macrumors 6502
Dec 17, 2004
Omaha, NE
I have gotten really boored with the current iPod games. So I guess some new ones would be cool. Although I would really like a calculator application.


macrumors newbie
Jan 13, 2005
OK! LISTEN UP!! I have a super great game for the iPod photo. That would absolutely perfect for the iPod. There was this game on the atari, that required that turn-wheel-like controller, where this guy would drop bombs, and u would have to stop them with ur three bars before they hit the ground. After a while they repeatedly kept getting faster and faster. For the iPod, all u would need to use is the click wheel!

OKOKOK ANOTHER BIG THING. You CAN play movies on the iPod mwahahaha. Kinda... CUrrently, on my iPod photo, i have 2 music videos. One of rurouni kenshin, and one of family guys "Cant Touch Me". Once you figure out how to do it its really good.


Jan 18, 2005
crap idea i reckon. meh, i have my SP and my DS for gaming on the go. i have my iPod to play music. i have my phone to make phonecalls and i have my toaster to make toast.

meh, i just think this all-in-one thing is getting out of hand.

i also think this is like people saying the next iPod will have PDA functions, which it wont. its just an MP3 player. apple arn't the sort to stick in games in an iPod i reckon.

my 2p


macrumors member
Dec 8, 2004
Western Massachusetts
Hey how about adding internet and email?....Oh never mind just buy a laptop:) BTW- Maybe the mini remote will be used for controlling the games, they could sell one with a mini little joystick:) Just a thought!! Or even better, how about an optical out put on the iPod so the you could insert into a 5.1 system for better audio output!!! Now we are talking!!


macrumors 68020
Mar 10, 2003
raggedjimmi said:
crap idea i reckon. meh, i have my SP and my DS for gaming on the go. i have my iPod to play music. i have my phone to make phonecalls and i have my toaster to make toast.

meh, i just think this all-in-one thing is getting out of hand.

i also think this is like people saying the next iPod will have PDA functions, which it wont. its just an MP3 player. apple arn't the sort to stick in games in an iPod i reckon.

my 2p

PDA functions like a clock, calendar, To Do list, address book, hypertext notes, and voice notes? ;)


Jan 18, 2005
blackcrayon said:
PDA functions like a clock, calendar, To Do list, address book, hypertext notes, and voice notes? ;)

to be honest ive never used them functions. only reason i keep the clock up to date (heh, sometimes kill the batteries when im out and about) is because the order of adding songs to the top rated playlist runs off your clock.

my PDA takes care of the rest :p


macrumors 68000
Jun 19, 2004
Plant City, FL
Why doesn't Apple come out with an update for all of the iPods to bring all of the software up to date? I know it has the potential to take away a few sales to those of us who have previous generation iPods, but don't we deserve it?

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