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Night Spring

macrumors G5
Jul 17, 2008
This way i could have my fun toy and she can have her desktop which she will never use my tablet hahaha, she doesn't even like using my laptop.

Tablets are totally different from laptops, just because she doesn't like a laptop it doesn't follow that she won't like a tablet -- there's no correlation between the two.


macrumors 68040
Jun 28, 2012
The iPad is too big for my needs and I would order a 7.xx" version in a heartbeat.

I use the iPhone a ton for reading/surfing/taking notes while on the move, but it always feels just a tad too small which annoys me all the time. And I feel stupid pulling out something the size of a regular iPad on the subway for instance. Also it's not portable enough, I want something which fits in a large pocket or small bag, something with the feel of a mid-size Filofax calendar or paperback.

A 7" tablet with the retina display, put it in a nice book-type leather would be the PERFECT device as far as I'm concerned. But if Apple doesn't come out with one this fall, I will cave in and get a Nexus 7. And I think I'm not the only one, so possibly Apple would stand to lose from ignoring the 7" form factor altogether.

200$ is ok for an Android device, but if it was an iPad with the obviously far superior iOS and retina screen I would easily shell out with more, the region of $300 would be totally acceptable to me. No need for Apple to try and compete with the $200 pricetag of the Nexus 7, I don't think that's a valid argument.


macrumors P6
Jul 4, 2007
Atlanta, GA
...200$ is ok for an Android device, but if it was an iPad with the obviously far superior iOS and retina screen I would easily shell out with more, the region of $300 would be totally acceptable to me. No need for Apple to try and compete with the $200 pricetag of the Nexus 7, I don't think that's a valid argument.

I also don't think that Apple has to match the Nexus' price. 100 more feels like its not an unrealistic premium for a superior device. Superior is not a slight against the Nexus, if someone is willing to pay more they obviously feel its superior.


macrumors regular
Apr 1, 2010
I do. I like gadgets, and in this case I would get so little selling them on eBay I decided to keep them. Not to get into too many personal details, but I use them mostly to check email and browse the web, and I have them in different spots so I have one handy all the time without needing to carry one. Truth be told I do most of my "heavy lifting" (Quickoffice, Goodreader, PDF Expert, Notability, Dropbox, etc.) on my iPad. If I could only have one, I'd keep the iPad.

Problem is iPad gets heavy after a while using it in bed and holding it over me, and for 80% of what I do the Android tablets are lighter and do the job well. It's great to have a choice when I go to bed to read some news or send some emails, I'll choose the lighter/smaller form factor so I choose the Tabs.

If I really need to get somewhere, I break out my MacBook Air... :cool:

It's good to see that I'm not the only gadget geek in the world. I don't know about you, but the only bad thing about it is that I won't be giving up my day job anytime soon!


macrumors 65816
May 2, 2005
...200$ is ok for an Android device, but if it was an iPad with the obviously far superior iOS and retina screen I would easily shell out with more, the region of $300 would be totally acceptable to me.

Refurb iPad 2 $319. Makes any 7" Android tablet look like a kids toy.


macrumors regular
Apr 1, 2012
I could not imagine surfing the 'net on a 7" tablet. It is just too small. Even my iPad 3 screen often seems small after using my laptop. I do quickly adjust though. I also use SwipeSafari which lets you enable full screen mode. One of the best Cydia apps I've come across.
7" is definitely not an enjoyable internet session for me.

Using the other apps on it, well that might be different. I still wouldn't buy though.


macrumors 68040
Jun 28, 2012
Refurb iPad 2 $319. Makes any 7" Android tablet look like a kids toy.

Agreed, but you missed this part:

The iPad is too big for my needs and I would order a 7.xx" version in a heartbeat.

I use the iPhone a ton for reading/surfing/taking notes while on the move, but it always feels just a tad too small which annoys me all the time. And I feel stupid pulling out something the size of a regular iPad on the subway for instance. Also it's not portable enough, I want something which fits in a large pocket or small bag, something with the feel of a mid-size Filofax calendar or paperback.


macrumors 6502a
Oct 22, 2003
I could not imagine surfing the 'net on a 7" tablet. It is just too small. Even my iPad 3 screen often seems small after using my laptop. I do quickly adjust though. I also use SwipeSafari which lets you enable full screen mode. One of the best Cydia apps I've come across.
7" is definitely not an enjoyable internet session for me.

Using the other apps on it, well that might be different. I still wouldn't buy though.

I've spent a fair amount of time looking at iPad screenshots shrunk to the 7.xx range. After doing that, and switching back to the current iPad screen, everything suddenly looks like "SEE SPOT RUN" ...
So you’re right -- you do adjust to what you are using.
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