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macrumors 6502
Original poster
Jul 14, 2007
I have noticed a lot of people complaining about finger prints and screen protectors that don't work or look like crap, I think I may have a solution for anyone that wants a nice screen protector that works!

I bought one for myself, and at first I was a bit skeptical, however, one i used it for a few days, it worked amazing. It is called the Anti-Glare screen protector and you can find it on, a website a came across while searching for an iPhone screen protector. They have a bunch stuff for the iPhone aside from this amazing screen protector. This thing is fingerprint resistant, and if anything, enhances the phones screen look, gets rid of glare and is relatively unnoticeable once applied. What is more is it covers the whole front. Definitely recommend it to anyone with an iPhone!


(I dont work for them, just a happy customer)
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