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macrumors 65816
Friggin' SpyMac

All hail the mighty SpyMac site.


That little man-logo thing they have smokes pot.

The message boards are full of 7 year olds who can't spell "cat" and make Wintel message boards look like Doctoral Thesis attempts.

The iWalk jerk-off flicks were easy to spot as fakes right from the start.

The site is WICKED slow...must be running it off of an LC III.

(oh, one could go on and on...)

For my money,, and THIS BOARD are the only ones worth checking out for cool info, fun, and semi-intelligent "predictions" and spirited debate/discussions.

The above, plus a daily dose of for non-predictive but excellent news of all things Mac and related, are breakfast for me.

SpyMac doesn't fit anywhere on my breakfast table...more like in the garbage disposal.

(gee, I guess I have an opinion, huh?)



macrumors Core
Jan 4, 2002
I find that hard to beleve

You would think that apple would want to get as much stuff into their systems by the time the G5 was released to get all of the bugs out before they put the G5 into mass production


macrumors 6502
Oct 23, 2001
Spy what?

Quoting Spymac as a source for any kind of news at this point is really a mixed bag. About the only thing they got right was the brief rag on the miserable Palm OS X beta.
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