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macrumors member
May 17, 2007
in my view, having ichat on the iphone will be inevitable as IM and SMS do not directly compete with each other. if ichat isn't available on the iphone by the time it launches, it'll probably be available as a free software update as reported on this 25th april article regarding iphone and appletv updates:

for apple not to offer ichat on the iphone would be a SERIOUS mistake.


macrumors member
Jan 4, 2002
if IM and SMS were in such competetion then you wouldn't see IM on as many phones as you do. If you browse through the phones on Cingular's website, most of them are pre-loaded with or able to access AIM, Yahoo, and IRC. I see no reason Apple would let this slip by on their own phone. Especially with their new partnership with Yahoo for email (everyone will have a yahoo email address so they'll have a yahoo IM address as well).


macrumors 68040
Original poster
Apr 13, 2007
Its called SMS? Are you a little... slow?

SMS = you pay per message, and can only have one conversation at a time, and its very slow.

IM = Instant conversation, more than one convo going, and uses DATA. Most people will be getting a data plan with their iphone, why not be able to use AIM for free?

Stupid move apple.


macrumors member
Sep 22, 2006
I must have misunderstood Cingular when I got my texting/data plan.

I was under the impression that AIM on my SLVR used the same texting plan.
each message costs the same as a SMS message would... it's just put together nicely via the AIM software.

i could be completely wrong, though.


macrumors member
Mar 5, 2005
Its called SMS? Are you a little... slow?

SMS = you pay per message, and can only have one conversation at a time, and its very slow.

IM = Instant conversation, more than one convo going, and uses DATA. Most people will be getting a data plan with their iphone, why not be able to use AIM for free?

Stupid move apple.

Did you not see how the SMS app looked exactly like iChat? And how there's such a thing as unlimited text plans, which may be part of some bundle? And how we don't know what is going to be on the iPhone as of yet?

I can't argue with the speed of IM of SMS, but jesus christ you're very willing to point out the doom of the iPhone before any of us have even used it. I've also never seen a phone fail because it didn't have iChat either...


macrumors 65816
Feb 27, 2004
London, UK
"- iPhone users will not be able to conduct IM conversations with instant messaging users"

From the AT&T manual.

As was noted earlier in the post, just because it's feasible, doesn't mean it'll get included. AT&T get revenue from sms messages.


macrumors member
Jun 17, 2004
iChat---still could happen

As I wrote in an earlier post...

I believe that the document says that there won't be IM'ing available via SMS, ie. using text messaging to communicate with a buddy on your buddy list by texting the appropriate codes. This doesn't mean that there won't be the an iChat widget developed. At least thats how I understand it.

I personally can't see how they wouldnt include iChat for the iPhone (maybe not intially but they will at some point in the near future)

I have a feeling we'll see some more features tomorrow.


macrumors member
Jun 17, 2004
Sorry, check this out:

Read the part that says:
"iPhone users will not be able to conduct IM conversations with instant messaging users"

Sorry check this out:
If you actually read the section where it came from you'll see as I originally said, its only in reference to SMS and IM.

SMS Text Messaging (scan 1)

- SMS text message button shows how many new messages are waiting
- Threaded conversations
- Hear an audio alert for new messages
- Error correction and prevention in the keyboard. Only displayed when you need it.
- iPhone users will not be able to conduct IM conversations with instant messaging users
- Does not support MMS messaging for photos or videos


macrumors 6502
Feb 22, 2007
Hopefully when they open it up to third party software, someone will code up an instant messaging application for it. Who knows, we might even get Adium!
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