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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Mar 29, 2020
Hello, I new to the MacRumours forum. I found my father's old Mac Pro 2,1, and we decided to start using it again. It is the 3.0 8core with 12gb of Ddr2 ram. It has no HDD and no graphics card. I have a spare HDD with no OS, but no graphics card. I want to upgrade it to El Capitan, but I read that first you have to install Lion and upgrade the EFI. I want to install a 650-660GTX, but I think they will not be compatible with EFI32 and Lion. I live in Serbia, so there are not any Mac original cards graphics to get. If I buy a PC graphics card like 7300GT/Radeon 5870 PC version and flash them will they be compatible with EFI32 so I can get boot screen and everything in Lion, install EFI64 and when I am in El Capitan buy a 660-650GTX? It now has no OS, so how can I install one? I think it is not possible to install El Capitan directly. Sorry for the English of me (I am serbian) and thank you for your answering.

PD: I have not found anything on how to install for the first time OS X lion (or any os x) in a Mac that has no OS. Can someone explain me what to do after installing an HDD in the Mac Pro?
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