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macrumors member
Original poster
Apr 5, 2005
Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Very strange problem.... None of my browsers will play sounds (tested in Camino, Firefox, Safari, even Internet Explorer). Javascript is enabled too. Maybe it's a plugin problem? iChat and iTunes play sounds fine, Mail works great too.

Any help is much appreciated.


Moderator emeritus
Oct 21, 2003
Portland, OR
~Shard~ said:
... and you have sound in iTunes or in other applications? It's just the browser which is acting up?

Cali_Man said:
iChat and iTunes play sounds fine


Cali_Man said:
Yeah, had to create a new user, but they didn't have browser sounds either

Well, you can start by (quitting Safari/Firefox/whatever) and dragging all the crap from /Library/Internet Plug-Ins/ out to some other (safe) place. Not sure if a restart is necessary, I don't think so.. Then trying a browser.

Can you please point us to the website that should have sound so we can be sure it DOES have sound?


macrumors member
Original poster
Apr 5, 2005
Amsterdam, The Netherlands
~Shard~ said:
... and you have sound in iTunes or in other applications? It's just the browser which is acting up?

Yup. iChat makes it's usual noises, Mail does too. I can get the unlock sound when playing with System Prefs too. For some reason any browser won't play sounds though.


macrumors P6
Jun 4, 2003
Cali_Man said:
Yup. iChat makes it's usual noises, Mail does too. I can get the unlock sound when playing with System Prefs too. For some reason any browser won't play sounds though.

Kay, thanks for the confirmation, as I have never encountered that one before (and yes yellow, I was just confirming with the guy :p ;))

What exactly are you trying to view which isn't giving you audio? Have you tried a few different websites with a few different sources? How about, say, movie trailers from Apple's site for instance? Is this possibly something like RealPlayer content or WMA stuff which is giving you difficulties?


macrumors member
Original poster
Apr 5, 2005
Amsterdam, The Netherlands
~Shard~ said:
Kay, thanks for the confirmation, as I have never encountered that one before (and yes yellow, I was just confirming with the guy :p ;))

What exactly are you trying to view which isn't giving you audio? Have you tried a few different websites with a few different sources? How about, say, movie trailers from Apple's site for instance? Is this possibly something like RealPlayer content or WMA stuff which is giving you difficulties?

You are correct Shard, it appears Apple's quicktime trailers do play sound. The sites I was testing out earlier were internet radio sites and some flash sites. Also interesting is that none of my .wmv play sound either, though the video works fine. I tried reinstalling Windows Media Player, but got the same results.


macrumors Penryn
Mar 23, 2005
The same thing happened to me. Flash movies and Windows Media Player just stopped playing all sound in ALL of my browsers. I just fixed itself though. I have no clue how either.


macrumors P6
Jun 4, 2003
Cali_Man said:
You are correct Shard, it appears Apple's quicktime trailers do play sound. The sites I was testing out earlier were internet radio sites and some flash sites. Also interesting is that none of my .wmv play sound either, though the video works fine. I tried reinstalling Windows Media Player, but got the same results.

Kay, well at least we isolated your problem. Doesn't help you fix things, I realize, but at least it's a start...


macrumors Penryn
Mar 23, 2005
~Shard~ said:
Kay, well at least we isolated your problem. Doesn't help you fix things, I realize, but at least it's a start...
Updating Flash and reinstalling Windows Media Player doesn't work either. :confused:

Simon Liquid

macrumors regular
Jul 4, 2001
sounds like something that happened to me

Once I started having problems with sounds. System sounds worked fine, along with iTunes and anything having to do with Quicktime but a lot of programs didn't work-especially games. I ended up finding a setting that got switched somehow (apparently some programs do it automatically and don't switch back) in Audio MIDI Setup. In Audio Output, the "Format" got set to 96000 Hz which apparently many things don't support. If this is the case for you, try setting it to 44100 Hz and see if that helps.

ps-Audio MIDI Setup is a program in your Utilities folder and is about the least helpful place to hide something to fix a crippling bug like this.


macrumors 6502
Oct 13, 2005
Boulder, CO

hrrm, reseting core audio by opening/closing Garageband worked like a charm. Wonder why Garageband resets CoreAudio.
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