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aPple nErd

macrumors 68030
Original poster
Feb 12, 2012
Jailbreaks/IOS Hacks
so there seriously still isn't an untether for 9.3? that seems to me like nobody really cares about jailbreaking anymore. I've been gone from the scene for a few months so what's shakin?

Cycling Asia

macrumors 6502
Mar 19, 2016
I think it is more like they jailbreakers don't want to waste an exploit that may still exist in iOS 10 in order to make the 9.3.3 jailbreak untethered.

The Pangu jailbreak for 9.3.3 is better than a tethered jailbreak, it just can't be considered "untethered" because it does automatically launch at phone startup - you need to launch the app.

An if you look hard enough, you can find an enterprise signed english app, or an app store signed chinese version.

aPple nErd

macrumors 68030
Original poster
Feb 12, 2012
Jailbreaks/IOS Hacks
alright i'll stand by then. my 7 gets here tomorrow and i definitely want to jailbreak it but until then i guess i'll jailbreak my 6 and mess around with it and get a setup i like.
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macrumors Penryn
Aug 31, 2011
The Pangu jailbreak for 9.3.3 is better than a tethered jailbreak…
I have to disagree with this. As a person who has Activator reboot their phone each morning I would have a serious issue of having to rejailbreak every damn time the phone rebooted.

And if I had to do one of those funky dances with the Pangu app to make sure it re-jailbreaks I'd be further annoyed.

I just don't see how going through these machinations to rejailbreak every time my phone boots is 'better' than being jailbroken by the time I hit the lockscreen with an untethered jailbreak.

Sure, it may be simple to open an app and wait a few seconds. But untethered, I don't have to do anything at all. This to me makes the 9.0.2 jailbreak 'better' than the current one.

Just my opinion.

aPple nErd

macrumors 68030
Original poster
Feb 12, 2012
Jailbreaks/IOS Hacks
I have to disagree with this. As a person who has Activator reboot their phone each morning I would have a serious issue of having to rejailbreak every damn time the phone rebooted.

And if I had to do one of those funky dances with the Pangu app to make sure it re-jailbreaks I'd be further annoyed.

I just don't see how going through these machinations to rejailbreak every time my phone boots is 'better' than being jailbroken by the time I hit the lockscreen with an untethered jailbreak.

Sure, it may be simple to open an app and wait a few seconds. But untethered, I don't have to do anything at all. This to me makes the 9.0.2 jailbreak 'better' than the current one.

Just my opinion.
he said it's better than tethered, which i agree with but it doesn't feel stable enough for every day use to me yet.
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macrumors 65816
Jul 3, 2015
I rarely reboot my phone (maybe one a week or once in two weeks) so the iOS 9.3.3 jailbreak is really great for me. No issues at all.


Jul 18, 2013
I reboot once a day lol so that would get really annoying for me
It's really easy to run the JB each time.

Only problem I have with this JB on 6S+ and 6S is it resprings occasionally. Sometimes I just see the white screen with the Apple logo for just a second.


macrumors 6502
Jul 9, 2015
so there seriously still isn't an untether for 9.3? that seems to me like nobody really cares about jailbreaking anymore.

I'm going to be anxiously waiting for your untethered jailbreak release. Please do it fast.... TIA
I think this is a really sour attitude to have towards those who work hard to (a) find an exploit that allows for installation of unsigned code (jailbreaking), (b) make sure it works reliably, and (c) decide to release it to the public.

I'm positive that if the jailbreak method could have been fully untethered instead of the semi-untethered method that was made available, they would have released it that way. There has to be a reason for the fact that they had to do it semi-untethered.

If you think that it was because "nobody really cares about jailbreaking anymore", I think you're greatly inflating your sense of entitlement along with the degree to which your opinion actually matters to those developing the jailbreaks.


macrumors 65816
Dec 4, 2011
I think this is a really sour attitude to have towards those who work hard to (a) find an exploit that allows for installation of unsigned code (jailbreaking), (b) make sure it works reliably, and (c) decide to release it to the public.

I'm positive that if the jailbreak method could have been fully untethered instead of the semi-untethered method that was made available, they would have released it that way. There has to be a reason for the fact that they had to do it semi-untethered.

If you think that it was because "nobody really cares about jailbreaking anymore", I think you're greatly inflating your sense of entitlement along with the degree to which your opinion actually matters to those developing the jailbreaks.

Dam well said!!!


macrumors 6502a
Apr 12, 2005
How can anyone seriously say a tethered jailbreak is preferable to the current Pangu jailbreak? In those days if your battery died while out and about you'd be screwed, and would be stuck in the boot loop with an unusable phone until you could reboot with a computer via redsn0w.


macrumors 601
Dec 18, 2012
Was not aware that pangu is the only group that could hand out a jailbreak to the community

If you need the sentence to be explicit, then it would've been
Pangu said from the outset that there wasn't going to be an untethered JB from Pangu

It was implied that it meant from pangu since they were the ones who said it
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macrumors 68000
Dec 24, 2008
I think it's disappointing that there's always at least 1 person feeling entitled to more with something free.
Suck it up and wear your big boy pants and have some appreciation a group is even trying in iOS 9. If you want an untethered jb, then figure your own jb out then.
Or switch to Android or just stop jbing.


Dec 28, 2012
I think it's disappointing that there's always at least 1 person feeling entitled to more with something free.
Suck it up and wear your big boy pants and have some appreciation a group is even trying in iOS 9. If you want an untethered jb, then figure your own jb out then.
Or switch to Android or just stop jbing.
Who exactly is feeling entitled ? The op just was simply curious I doubt he/she feels entitled man this community is so far in its own ass it's damn near pathetic
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