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macrumors 68000
Original poster
Feb 15, 2011

So I’m just looking for what the best option is here. I’ve managed to setup a raspberry pi with pihole (proud of that). I bought a Synology Nas for backup and Plex (got that working as well). I use a Asus RT-AX86U router with the latest version of merlin.

So I’m looking for the best wat to get on my network when I’m on the go. This way my Pihole can help me and I can access my NAS/view plex. But I find so many options and I just don’t know what to do. What is the best practice? Lowest possibility to mess something up security wise? (Really scared to forget something and open up my whole home network.

So what should I do: -VPN on the raspberry Pi, or Nas OR on the router? - What kind of VPN to use? OpenVPN is possible on the router, I also read about wireguard and tailscale.. - DNS: how to handle DNS to my current dynamic IP? Use a DDNS provider (which one) or use something built into the router (That opens something with a certificate which is scary). I also have a domain parked at hover, can I use that somehow.

I’m not asking for step by step guides, just what options you all recommend. I’ll look up tutorials for those. If more details are needed please tell me, I’m really not that advanced..



macrumors 68040
Feb 14, 2007
I have a VPN running on my raspberry Pi along with Pihole. There are many to chose from, but I like using a IPsec VPN server. That way I can use the Macs built in VPN client software.
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