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macrumors 65816
Original poster
Sep 27, 2003
Charlotte, NC
Has anyone had their app approved lately?

I have been keeping track of the number of apps in the App Store, and instead of going up, it is going down.

What gives?

As of 7PM EDT on 7/16: There are 835 Apps in the App Store. (197 are Free)
As of 11PM EDT on 7/18: There are 876 Apps in the App Store. (213 are Free)


macrumors 6502
Jun 26, 2008
It's not going down, they have silently removed your apps from the secondary category they were listed in. I had my app listed in both productivity (main category) and utilities (secondary category). They removed me from utilities and left me only in productivity. I'm guessing they did this to other apps as well which makes the overall numbers look like they are going down but actually the number is just now accurate.
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