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macrumors 68020
May 23, 2011
It'd be great if this was really thorough legislation that really worked...but...well, knowing the US Government...

And German government is better? Whatever, with all our flaws we are still one of the best nations on this earth (if not THE best nation on this earth)


Nov 20, 2010
Wow, Obama actually doing something right? I'm sceptical until I know more about this....


macrumors 6502
Apr 26, 2011
Yeah but what scandal? Benghazi? Not really Obamas fault. Maybe Hilary and he's trying to protect her but its not like they wanted anyone murdered.

Except that he lied about it to the American public and even the UN for WEEKS after the attack. Remember the nonsense about the video they tried to push on us? Now we find out that he knew the truth from day one. And let's not forget that a general was relieved of duty on the spot for trying to take action and save those people.

IRS? I don't think Obama directed them to scrutinize tea party applications more. And it didn't seem to do anything. IRS is dumb but I doubt Obama had anything to do with it.

I might be inclined to believe you, except that the IRS only targeted conservative groups, and only approved their tax exempt status after Obama's second election. There's also the fact that Douglas Schulman (former head of the IRS, as I'm sure you know) visited the white house over 150 times during Obama's administration, compared to once during his four years with the Bush administration.

There's also the scandal in which the white house has been tapping, investigating, and even threatening journalists from nearly every major news network, in an effort to control what information that reaches the public.

In addition to those scandals, I want to remind you of his biggest and most serious offense, Fast and Furious, which resulted in two dead border patrol officers and over 400 dead Mexicans, in a twisted effort to restrict your gun rights and subvert the second amendment.

But don't worry. There are enough people like you with absolutely no clue whatsoever to ensure that Obama is in no danger of losing his office.


Feb 17, 2009
And German government is better? Whatever, with all our flaws we are still one of the best nations on this earth (if not THE best nation on this earth)

My, my , you don't seem to get out much.

Travel the world, live in other countries long enough maybe then you can make that statement.


macrumors 601
Feb 12, 2010
Did not expect the number of responses I got.
That it's profitable for a group of investors to buy up vague, poorly written patents from holders/companies that no longer use them/care about them and then sue everyone who is even close to violating them in the hopes that they pay up rather then fight.

If you think these patent holding companies are benefiting the original holder then you are mistaken. They often are bought for next to nothing.

As others have mentioned - patents are to protect not to be bought by shell companies to punish others.

It's not just the holding companies to blame - Apple, Google and just about every technology giant are just as guilty too. They buy patents to keep others from using them. Similiar to what AT&T/Verizon do with wireless spectrum.
If you have a problem with patent trolls, then we agree. But the patent system encompasses a lot more than that. To say that the entire system is broken due to a relatively small (patent trolls suck, and they hurt small business, but there are bigger problems) issue. This is a great step in reducing patent trolling, but overall the Patent system isn't "broken". (I should clarify that I have my own issues with the patent system. It's far from perfect.)

Uh... The fact that you don't have to produce/sell a product or service for starters
Patent terms are 20 years. Search for patents. If you find that patent troll has a patent, and they are charging too much, then either design around it, oppose the patent, or sue the troll. Now I agree that this can be problematic, I just don't agree that it "breaks" the system.

The intent of the patent system is to promote innovation. To a great extent, it accomplishes the exact opposite. Overly broad patents, which don't actually identify useful, specific ideas, are being employed to impose large, sometimes back-breaking, costs on companies that are actually doing something useful.
You can invalidate overly broad patents. Or at least force the narrowing of their scope. Yes I realize its expensive.

Lodsys. They patented just the idea of number buttons on a cell phone, not even a specific design.
I don't know anything about this, so I haven't seen the patent. But this seems unlikely, or easily invalidated.

Software patents should not exist at all. And a company should be required to demonstrate economic harm in order to prevail in a patent lawsuit. I.e. if you are a holding company making no products, then you have no standing.
1.Software patents should exist. This is an area of patent law that could use some help though. 2. They do make companies prove harm. But it's really easy to prove because it's so obvious. If you have a patent on something and someone infringes it, they are making money off of something you had exclusive rights to create. Either they should be paying you for that right, or you should be earning it by selling it.


Jul 24, 2004
Patents shouldn't be granted to software in the first place. At the very least, I am glad this minor symbolic step is being taken in the country with the world's most ludicrous and litigation-friendly IPR system.

Then why write any software at all? Some poor slob develops an application that does amazing things. Apple, or Microsoft, or Google, or whoever comes along and copies it and makes it part of their suite of apps that come with the operating system. No need to pay the guy who wrote the code one red cent. Let him eat bread and water. Under the current scenario these tech giants have to pay big bucks to buy out or license software. Under your scenario they just kick the little guy to the curb, take his work for themselves, and move on to bigger profits. And it's not like some little outfit is going to take OS X from Apple and use it to any advantage.

Think things through. Remember the little guy who invented the intermittent windshield wiper blade? The big auto manufacturers got him to sell it to them for something like $50,000.00, then put them on every model. It took him decades but he finally got them to pay him what it was worth.

Not so with your logic. Software IS patentable and it should be.


macrumors G3
Feb 26, 2011
New England, USA
Except that he lied about it to the American public and even the UN for WEEKS after the attack. Remember the nonsense about the video they tried to push on us? Now we find out that he knew the truth from day one. And let's not forget that a general was relieved of duty on the spot for trying to take action and save those people.

I might be inclined to believe you, except that the IRS only targeted conservative groups, and only approved their tax exempt status after Obama's second election. There's also the fact that Douglas Schulman (former head of the IRS, as I'm sure you know) visited the white house over 150 times during Obama's administration, compared to once during his four years with the Bush administration.

There's also the scandal in which the white house has been tapping, investigating, and even threatening journalists from nearly every major news network, in an effort to control what information that reaches the public.

In addition to those scandals, I want to remind you of his biggest and most serious offense, Fast and Furious, which resulted in two dead border patrol officers and over 400 dead Mexicans, in a twisted effort to restrict your gun rights and subvert the second amendment.

But don't worry. There are enough people like you with absolutely no clue whatsoever to ensure that Obama is in no danger of losing his office.

And this is relevant to the topic of the thread how??


macrumors 68000
Nov 9, 2008
Kansas City
I'll keep the other 99.00% of my political views on Mr. Obama out of this and simply say...

Thank you for creating legislation that is based on common sense! Freakin' amazing. (or at least attempting to)


macrumors 6502
Apr 26, 2011
Man that tinfoil hat must be tight. Loosen it up a bit.

He can propose legislation, doesn't mean squat. It has to pass the legislative branch for it to ever be implemented. It's how the executive branch has always influenced policy making.

If this even passes the legislative branch which in of itself is just a comical s---fest, it would bring some progress to the table, though I doubt it will. Too many of these trolls have lobbying groups to extreme extents with deep pockets. No way they'd let this slide quietly.

I would never believe people could be so ignorant if I hadn't already seen it before.

First, legislation is supposed to be proposed by a constituent, or at least a representative. The executive branch has NO BUSINESS getting involved with the legislative process until the bill shows up on someone's desk for approval/veto (vetos can still be overruled by both houses). Executive orders are NOT how the executive branch has always influenced policy making. Unbelievable. You don't even understand the country you're living in. This is elementary school social studies.

Second, tell us exactly how much money you think these "patent troll lobbying groups" put up? Can you give us the names of some of those groups?

Perhaps you'd better adjust your own tinfoil hat so that you can actually think through an argument, rather than blindly championing "progress" (what does that mean?) while at the same time disparaging the political process that is designed to protect you from a dictatorship.


macrumors 68030
Jan 29, 2010
Lexington, KY.
Scandals? What scandals? Check President Obama's job approval polls. Hasn't dropped an inch. They're only scandals in the fevered minds of Republicans. The rest of us see through all of the bloviating coming from the right.

Ironic that the post right after yours has a bunch of that bloviating you mentioned. Wingnuts have to hang on to something, so why not hang on to their conspiracy theories and hollow BS? Keep it up, guys. We're looking forward to another 8 years after this term is up. I mean, without minorities, women, or anything other than the white man's vote, how are you gonna win?

Correct me if I'm wrong, but Obama is the head of the executive branch, is he not? That is not how laws are supposed to be created.

Putting all that "checks and balances" nonsense aside, since it's obviously not important anymore, what do you suppose his motivation is for this order? To draw attention away from his numerous scandals? Lobbying from Google (remember his connections to Eric Schmidt)?

Watch very carefully.

I will. I'll watch people like you drive your party right into the ground...with a huge smile on my face. It was just a matter of time before Republicans let the crazies take over.


macrumors 68030
Jan 29, 2010
Lexington, KY.
Except that he lied about it to the American public and even the UN for WEEKS after the attack. Remember the nonsense about the video they tried to push on us? Now we find out that he knew the truth from day one. And let's not forget that a general was relieved of duty on the spot for trying to take action and save those people.

I might be inclined to believe you, except that the IRS only targeted conservative groups, and only approved their tax exempt status after Obama's second election. There's also the fact that Douglas Schulman (former head of the IRS, as I'm sure you know) visited the white house over 150 times during Obama's administration, compared to once during his four years with the Bush administration.

There's also the scandal in which the white house has been tapping, investigating, and even threatening journalists from nearly every major news network, in an effort to control what information that reaches the public.

In addition to those scandals, I want to remind you of his biggest and most serious offense, Fast and Furious, which resulted in two dead border patrol officers and over 400 dead Mexicans, in a twisted effort to restrict your gun rights and subvert the second amendment.

But don't worry. There are enough people like you with absolutely no clue whatsoever to ensure that Obama is in no danger of losing his office.

And I give you #2.


macrumors 6502
Apr 26, 2011
And this is relevant to the topic of the thread how??

Oh, don't mind me. Just crushing someone's ignorant assumption that Obama has nothing to do with any of the scandals surrounding him. Feel free to jump in with a cohesive argument if you can. Or avoid the debate and try to pass my arguments off dismissively like you just did.


macrumors G3
Feb 26, 2011
New England, USA
Terrible idea.

Another well reasoned, carefully thought out and eloquently expressed opinion.:rolleyes:

Do you think you might tell us why it's a terrible idea...

Oh, don't mind me. Just crushing someone's ignorant assumption that Obama has nothing to do with any of the scandals surrounding him. Feel free to jump in with a cohesive argument if you can. Or avoid the debate and try to pass my arguments off dismissively like you just did.

I made no comment at all on your statement, neither by way of debate, nor dismissive of it.

I just asked how it was relevant to the topic of this thread.
Last edited:


macrumors 6502
Apr 26, 2011
And I give you #2.

And I could have sworn you just called me crazy in your previous post. Perhaps if you open your mind and research more facts like the ones I mentioned, you can reduce your ignorance enough to make a structured argument rather than resort to name calling.


Jun 29, 2010
Geez, doesn't the Government have anything better to do than...wait...

Pretty good idea if it can get past...well... some other people!

Not bad for a born Muslim...I mean the President.:p

;) :D

Another proof that US americans are the most stupid people in the world.
Even now that you have a half intelligent president, you do everything to stay dumb.
Really sad. Once the world admired the US, but since at least two decades you turned into fat, brainless zombies.
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