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macrumors 65816
Original poster
Apr 15, 2006
With a tiny 6.76% of the search market, compared with Google’s 60%+ search share dominance, Microsoft has decided it’s time to leverage their massive base of global Windows users with juicy wads of cash to switch search providers!
Microsoft will use a ‘Browser Helper Object’ installed into IE7 to track search queries and send information on search back to Microsoft, so they can use the information to improve the results that Windows Live Search delivers. Because of this, IE7 must be used – it doesn’t work with Firefox, Opera or older versions of IE browsers.


macrumors 604
Mar 17, 2004
So this is basically, "We'll pay your company hundreds of thousands of dollars if you force all your employees to use IE7 and make our search engine default"?

Sickening. It'll push IE7 adoption (my company's policy is to keep everyone on IE6), and MSN search...

How can that not be illegal?


macrumors 68020
Dec 19, 2006
South Florida
microsoft is getting desperate. but when times get thin, they keep using questionable business practices by bullying people to use their products.

and msn search stinks. i had to use it in high school and their search is terrible. how about they improve their product instead of bullying? if you do that, i may be willing to try some of their products.

time to evolve or die, microsoft.


May 16, 2006
microsoft is getting desperate. but when times get thin, they keep using questionable business practices by bullying people to use their products.

and msn search stinks. i had to use it in high school and their search is terrible. how about they improve their product instead of bullying? if you do that, i may be willing to try some of their products.

time to evolve or die, microsoft. worked for Windows, it worked to push out Netscape, and it will probably work for this...


macrumors 604
Mar 17, 2004
460 worked for Windows, it worked to push out Netscape, and it will probably work for this...

Except that since those happened, an antitrust precedent has been established. I'm surprised they're not being more careful.

Why does it seem as if the Xbox and Xbox 360 was the only good thing microsoft ever did?

Netdog's right. The mice were good.


macrumors 604
Mar 8, 2005
Washington D.C
I'll make sure I keep using Google...hopefully they can get Google Docs/SpreadSheets working in Safari soon, why would the get it working in Camino first? I mean Safari has a lot big market share.


macrumors 65816
Sep 27, 2006
I liked their mice for awhile.

I agree. My cousin has a wireless Microsoft mouse and it's really comfortable in your hand, unlike some mice. -coughmightymousecough- I still like the features of the MM better though (scroll ball, side squeeze buttons, sleek design).


macrumors 68040
Oct 11, 2006
Minneapolis, MN
I liked their mice for awhile.

Funny thing is that they're just branded microsoft. Microsoft themselves do not make them. I used a microsoft trackball for the longest time. It was a really great mouse. It still works. I have just fallen in love with my Logitech MX Revolution.
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