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macrumors 603
Sep 6, 2002
Houston, TX
Originally posted by scem0
Things that would be nice:

80 GB HD
Better graphics cards
Longer lasting batterys/stronget batteries
lower prices
Mac OS 10.3 (;))
An apple office program
An apple browser
(This is starting to go off into 'software-land' - I shall return to hardware)
real DDR
Faster real DDR
a g5 chip
A IBM chip
Kung Fu integration

That is about all the things I can think of. Ummmm, don't ask about Kung fu integration. I am not sure what it is yet - but it would be nice....

better graphics cards might be nice, except the mobility radeon 9000 is the fastest graphics card on the market today, i think... and it's maxed out on RAM, unlike that 7500. i think apple should have put the 64 in the 867 though, that was a bad move.

all your other stuff looks pretty good though. the only thing i would add is that 7200 RPM drives are a must on the next release. i'm gonna save for one of those to put in my powerbook... 4200 RPMs is... well, not much worse than 5400, but, gosh, 7200 rpms are just noticeably faster, especially with 8 MB of cache. ok, now i am drooling. anyways.
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