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David Taub

macrumors member
Original poster
Apr 2, 2016
Miami Beach FL
i use it mainly with wahoo when cycling, also at home with spotify...

seems like it drains the battery doing I'll have it at 100 percent then use it with spotify, it goes down to say 93 percent and i leave it on my desk and by the next morning it's like 65 percent and i haven't used it...

could there be stuff running in the background?

Battery health shows 100 percent capacity
Peak performance supports normal peak performance

i do leave the wifi on, it uses the wifi in my house
i leave bluetooth on...

i haven't tried turning these off...would that do it?...i will try tonight...

guess it doesn't matter but the phone has 128gb of storage

ok, thanks

suggestions welcome

i do have a new iphone SE and that doesn't drain down like this...this slightly bigger se is nice...bought in june 2020...



macrumors 603
Jun 8, 2017
Corona tracking causes some battery drain on my SE1, but otherwise it's fine with 95% battery health. I'm still on iOS 13.7 though. High display brightness and areas of poor mobile reception are the most significant battery drainers for me.

David Taub

macrumors member
Original poster
Apr 2, 2016
Miami Beach FL
JPack, The SE i have is a 2016 model that i bought in spring/summer of the battery isn't that old...been used about two years...until May 2020 my daily phone was an 8 plus, it was stolen, so I am now using the new 2020 SE...i like it...but i really liked the 8 my old/small se wasn't used a lot...

anyway...i will try and shut off wifi, bluetooth, charge phone to 100 and leave it overnight...see what happens...


macrumors G5
Mar 27, 2017
JPack, The SE i have is a 2016 model that i bought in spring/summer of the battery isn't that old...been used about two years...until May 2020 my daily phone was an 8 plus, it was stolen, so I am now using the new 2020 SE...i like it...but i really liked the 8 my old/small se wasn't used a lot...

anyway...i will try and shut off wifi, bluetooth, charge phone to 100 and leave it overnight...see what happens...

Honestly, that would be about the life of the battery. It has a life of about 500 cycles. So over two years, that's about 700 cycles.

I know the battery capacity says 100%, but it's a rough estimate and isn't always correct.
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