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macrumors 601
Original poster
Aug 5, 2005
Wow, I have no fracking idea what happened.

I just rebooted my machine, and when I checked my mail I found Mail downloading all those mails from 2 days ago as unread.. Hmm, that's queer..

Then I started looking around my machine more and more and wondering "Hey.. where did file x go", "How about that document", "hmmm"

And then I opened a chat window and Adium, and found the same trend too, my last chat log entry was for 2 days ago when I just sent a message off hours ago..

And it does seems like that's exactly what that has happened, everything in the past 2 days is *gone*

I have no idea where it went. Is this what I paid for in this piece of **** of a MacOS? Where did my data go to?


May 26, 2004
Randy's House
generik said:
Wow, I have no fracking idea what happened.

I just rebooted my machine, and when I checked my mail I found Mail downloading all those mails from 2 days ago as unread.. Hmm, that's queer..

Then I started looking around my machine more and more and wondering "Hey.. where did file x go", "How about that document", "hmmm"

And then I opened a chat window and Adium, and found the same trend too, my last chat log entry was for 2 days ago when I just sent a message off hours ago..

And it does seems like that's exactly what that has happened, everything in the past 2 days is *gone*

I have no idea where it went. Is this what I paid for in this piece of **** of a MacOS? Where did my data go to?

Why did you need to re-boot?

Sounds like something is amiss with your .plist files.


macrumors 601
Original poster
Aug 5, 2005
How can I recover those lost files?

Under no circumstances should my files go missing, no? Spyware or otherwise even Windows doesn't do it


macrumors 601
Original poster
Aug 5, 2005
Rebooted cos it was feeling sluggish to the max, VM usage was like 14gb and I have no idea where that memory is going.

Those files are just lost, it is not plist issue or anything, they are just plain not there anymore.


macrumors 6502a
Jan 20, 2003

Try repairing your permissions then reboot. See what happens. You might could try booting off the CD that came with your computer. Repair permissions there, run the hardware test. Then reboot.

Don't know if this would work but it's worth a try. Your situation is really odd, unless you did a time warp :D



macrumors 601
Original poster
Aug 5, 2005
Hmm.. apparently modified files are fine.

Newly created files in that time frame just vanish


macrumors 601
Original poster
Aug 5, 2005
Filevault keeps telling me it is using "more space.." etc and asks if I want to recover this unused space, to which I kept telling it no.

The files are probably there somewhere, but how do I get them back?

Wow this OS is so damned buggy.


macrumors 601
Aug 19, 2003
Filevault is your clue. I would call AppleCare and discuss the issue with them. It your files were actually written to the hard drive, chances are they're still there just not in a viewable form to the O/S. I'm assuming your running the latest version of Tiger (10.4.3)?

You safely rebooted, correct? If Filevault was somehow interrupted while it was encrypting and decrypting your home directory, your files may have been deleted or corrupted. You may be able to recover lost documents with a hard drive recovery application.


macrumors 601
Original poster
Aug 5, 2005
Ah well, just decided to turn that damned thing off. At least it wasn't irreplaceable files.

Ridiculous.. I can't expect such a thing from Macs too :mad:


macrumors 6502a
Aug 29, 2005
generik said:
Wow, I have no fracking idea what happened.

I just rebooted my machine, and when I checked my mail I found Mail downloading all those mails from 2 days ago as unread.. Hmm, that's queer..

Then I started looking around my machine more and more and wondering "Hey.. where did file x go", "How about that document", "hmmm"

And then I opened a chat window and Adium, and found the same trend too, my last chat log entry was for 2 days ago when I just sent a message off hours ago..

And it does seems like that's exactly what that has happened, everything in the past 2 days is *gone*

I have no idea where it went. Is this what I paid for in this piece of **** of a MacOS? Where did my data go to?

Read This!


macrumors 68040
Jun 23, 2003
Durham, NC
This is why you should ever use FileVault unless you ABSOLUTELY NEED IT. Which you probably don't. It's just a bad idea.

mad jew

Moderator emeritus
Apr 3, 2004
Adelaide, Australia
Using FileVault on a personal machine is kinda like protecting your dog's kennel with a rocket launcher. Sure, nothing will get near the kennel, but there's a pretty big chance you'll lose the dog. :(

Sorry to hear about this generik. Hopefully Apple will come up with a way of getting your data back but I don't have high hopes. Good luck with it. :)


macrumors 6502a
Apr 19, 2005
FileVault is the one thing i don't recommend anyone use unless they have to. Something about encrypting all those files like that just makes me wince.

If you must encrypt files, create a new disk image, and store your files in that, you have the option of supplying encryption on new disk images with a password. much safer as long as you remember the password.

also. mac os is not buggy and it's not the mac's fault. it's just the nature of FileVault. you don't need it, so don't use it. you'll notice a great increase in disk access to files in your home directory as well. now, go back to enjoying your mac and talk to apple.
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