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macrumors 65816
Original poster
Jan 17, 2006
A display! A display so you play music without having to turn your tv on...anyone agree? :)
And merry Christmas BTW.


macrumors 65816
Nov 6, 2006
Norfolk, UK
Personally I would rather see a (preferably touchscreen) remote which displays what youre playing, time, chapter etc. Works over the wifi network in a home and can also be used to syncronise playback of multiple devices such as the airport express etc. Use a intel xscale processor and it would be nice and compact with about a 3" display :)


macrumors regular
Sep 23, 2006
what iTV needs is just to be more than a ohh yes, I forget this is mac big tivo fan here so apple has a big hill to climb.. Tivo product is awesome, but they sure can't seem to market worth a crap..



macrumors 65816
Jun 10, 2002
Planet Earth
ITV Needs an xServe Mini

I have an iBook with small hard drive which is full. I cannot buy anymore content from iTunes to play on the ITV. So, Apple needs to announce an innexpensive headless home network storage device with Gigabit Ethernet, RAID (or ZFS), etc.


macrumors regular
Oct 17, 2006
Lubbock, TX
so should I wait to buy a tv tuner for my mac pro? Would the iTV be an equivalent to say the Hybrid? Perhaps I have missunderstood what the iTV is capable of...?


Moderator emeritus
Aug 16, 2005
New England
We should know soon enough.

I'm hoping some kind of Home NAS will be part of the package too. (iServe?)



macrumors 6502
Apr 29, 2005
Hobart, Australia
I hope it can play a large variety of formats, as I don't want to have to reencode all of my non-ipod compatible files. So I hope that something like perian is available for it.

Anonymous Freak

macrumors 603
Dec 12, 2002
what iTV needs is just to be more than a ohh yes, I forget this is mac big tivo fan here so apple has a big hill to climb.. Tivo product is awesome, but they sure can't seem to market worth a crap..


It's not a rumor. It's vaporware.

A rumor is unannounced. Vaporware is announced, but not available.


macrumors 68000
Jan 26, 2006
Whitehouse, OH
The iTV needs to have a storefront interface to the iTunes store so that people can make purchases from the couch without having to run to their Mac... I wrote a little bit about this on my personal blog.

At least IMO. I know I would be more likely to make impulse movie/video purchases, as I already do with music at the iTunes Store.


macrumors 603
Jul 5, 2004
It's not a rumor. It's vaporware.

A rumor is unannounced. Vaporware is announced, but not available.

Vaporware is usually reserved for non-existing things, though. Like that Phantom game console, for example. Or Duke Nukem Forever. :D


macrumors G5
Jul 4, 2005
so should I wait to buy a tv tuner for my mac pro? Would the iTV be an equivalent to say the Hybrid? Perhaps I have missunderstood what the iTV is capable of...?

Yeah, you've misunderstood. "iTV" is a device that plugs into your TV and allows streaming of your music/photos/videos from your Mac via your home network (wired or wireless).

It has it's own OS (looks like a fancy Front Row) and uses that to allow you to browse your library remotely. It pulls your media to the TV rather then you pushing the music to the speakers a la Airport Express.

It would appear to have a built-in gateway to the iTunes Store allowing playback of movie trailers and it's rumoured to allow you to make purchases from your TV set. It apparently has a built-in HDD which would allow for buffering of media streamed over slower networks and to store certain media.

It has a USB port which would suggest you can plug an iPod in and (hopefully) use the "iTV"s OS to browse your iPod's library. It has a HDMI port which would suggest playback of HD media as well as supporting component video and analogue and digital audio.

It doesn't appear to have a TV tuner built-in, it's more for watching downloaded content.


macrumors 6502a
Jun 2, 2006
washington dc
I still think it would be nice (and relatively easy / cheap for Apple to accomplish) for the iTV to be able to stream your music/video similar to a Slingbox, so that for example when you are at work or away from home you could watch streams of your videos or listen to your music remotely. Also would integrate nicely with the mythical phone. I'm not suggesting that it should be able to placeshift your actual TV/Cable (like a slingbox), just the media that you already have in iTunes. I doubt that it will happen though :rolleyes:


macrumors 65816
Nov 19, 2004
What the iTV Needs...

Are S-Video and Composite outputs for those of us who don't want to buy a new HDTV.


macrumors 68020
Feb 18, 2003
What the iTV needs

well I'd like to see iTV come out with the ability to record from your cable box (like the mighty TiVo). Having a PVR option that works seemlessly with my mac and/or has a mac like OS that can be networked is my dream....

Sadly with iTMS selling shows and movies it's probably not going to happen.


macrumors 6502a
Jul 4, 2006
well I'd like to see iTV come out with the ability to record from your cable box (like the mighty TiVo). Having a PVR option that works seemlessly with my mac and/or has a mac like OS that can be networked is my dream....

Sadly with iTMS selling shows and movies it's probably not going to happen.
If i am to say that "I" tv then that is to say that i watch all the new shows and never miss a new episode. Now, if i have an itv the only way to be a true tv heads personal savior is allow recording of content. Perhaps apple will allow this with a DRM attatched, of strictly for transfer to ipod (and only viewable through iTunes/iPod or iTV).
or maybe this will allow apple to get more movies in their store by making the tv companies more money by making it available to record from your tv for small fee :rolleyes: . apple doesn't want to step on toes,but come on!!, People have been recording pay-per view for years now on there VHS recorders, why not allow this option to us now???...oh yeah the tv companies would have enough money to pay (insert name of over payed actor here) XX million to say a few lines and look pretty. Damn you tv. wish i could just record extreme engineering, that would make my year :)

lets hear it for itv, now i can pay twice :eek: to watch something "good" on tv :rolleyes: :p
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