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macrumors regular
Original poster
Feb 21, 2020
Well, here I am downloading the iOS 16.6 from on my 12 Mini.

I just feel iOS 17 a little bit slower. Not too much slower than iOS 16 but not as fluid as the 16. Specially the keyboard, it just doesn't feel the same and struggle a little bit when typing fast, thing that didn't happen with iOS 16.

Also, I lose some battery life and that's is the principal aspect to downgrade. I know that the iPhone 12 mini has a bad battery life but it is worse with iOS 17. Before the update, I can make nearly a full day with just a charge but know, it ask for charging at 5pm-6pm.

I think the new features of iOS 17 doesn't compensate the upgrading.

What do you thing guys?


macrumors regular
Jun 14, 2022
My thoughts: stay on the latest version of the older iOS, and wait for a few updates to the new version. Let others experiment and report issues, and then use your own judgement.

There’s going to be people who actually experience and report bugs, and others who may not have or notice them. Look at the comments with criticism and see if there are more similar reports


Sep 3, 2023
To make your 12 mini last longer follow the 20-80 rule of charging. You gotta keep it healthy until Apple will recant and bring back the mini!

Whether it will take 100 months or 112 months from now you gotta hold on!
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