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macrumors 68000
Original poster
Jan 12, 2009
Hey all,

Currently I have the base 13" MBP, 2.26GHz, 2GB DDR3, 160GB 5400RPM HDD, and the 9400M.

I am considering going for an early 2008 15" MBP with: 2.4GHz, 4GB DDR2 (800MHz), 200GB 5400RPM HDD (would replace with a 320GB 7200RPM HDD), and the 8600M GT.

Do you guys think this is a good upgrade for me? Typically with this computer:

1. I run it in clamshell mode 90%+ of the time, hooked up to my external monitor.
2. I use programs such as MS Word (2008), Pages (2008), PS CS4, and games, such as WoW, and I plan on partitioning back to Windows soon to be able to play games, such as CoD 4, Team Fortress 2, and a few other steam games.

Also, this would be an even swap for me, no money spent besides shipping the laptop. I would pay nothing, literally just switch laptops.

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