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Original poster
Jan 18, 2005
Anyone else bought this? £27 for Half Life 2, Ep1, Ep2, Portal and Team Fortress 2 is possibly the best deal in gaming history. Okay maybe it's tied with that id megapack :D

I'm a bit eager for Episode 2. I didn't like 1 much, just a little too short and uneventful IMO.

And I've never played Team Fortress 1! I hear it's great and that alone has me excited for the sequel :)

Portal just looks fun. I love creative games like this (my fave PC game currently being Knytt Stories).

Roll on whenever these games are launched :D


macrumors 68020
Jul 10, 2005
Rocketing through the sky!
I'm a little annoyed about this actually.

I already own HL2 and Ep1 off of Steam so I just wanted Portal, Ep2 and TF2.

But since they bundle them all together for $49.99USD I HAVE to get them all or else pay full retail for all ($180 according to valve) but since I already own HL2/Ep1 it says i can 'give it to a friend for free as a gift!"

screw that! Give me some more money off! I dont have any friends with gaming PC's so it will be of no use to me *sigh* oh well... I'm still psyched to play Ep2 and Portal


Original poster
Jan 18, 2005
Yea, money off would be good. It's cool for me though. I got banned off my fave HL2 Deathmatch server (get this, an admin was running a hack, I pointed it out and got kicked :mad: ). Either way I got HL2 Deathmatch from that ATI offer, and I've just added Orange Box to that.
Just gonna give Caroline my old account (HL2, CS:S, Deathmatch, Ep1).

Just watched the 2nd TF2 trailer. I actually LOLed at a game trailer :eek:


macrumors 65816
Aug 1, 2007
Oh man, team fortress 1 was probably my most favorite game EVER. Man that brings back memories!

(on the PC of course)


macrumors regular
May 7, 2005
Possibly a dumb question, but is Team Fortress only for multiplayer? I checked the Orange Box web site, but I couldn't tell if Team Fortress has a single player mode. Thanks.

Edit: Wow, that was freaky! About five minutes after I typed the above question, I went to Google and typed in some key words to search more on this subject. Guess what came up at the top of the list? That's right, this exact thread on MacRumors. Five minutes after posting and Google has it indexed. That's impressive, but almost scary...


Original poster
Jan 18, 2005
Going out on a limb I'd say TF2 is multi player only, Portal single player only.

And yes! I did some poster art for a friends game, about 10 minutes later he googled the games name and my art was the top result :D


macrumors 65816
Mar 7, 2006
I don't really follow PC gaming so I hadn't heard of this.
Is it some sort of bundle deal?
Where did you get it, raggedjimmi, for that price?


macrumors 68040
Dec 25, 2003
Dornbirn (Austria)
god damnit .. since i was playing paper mario (got it early again on tuesday) and medieval 2 kingdoms i totally missed the release .. looks like a store visit later th day is required


macrumors 6502a
Jun 27, 2007
Rochester, NY
I'm a little annoyed about this actually.

I already own HL2 and Ep1 off of Steam so I just wanted Portal, Ep2 and TF2.

But since they bundle them all together for $49.99USD I HAVE to get them all or else pay full retail for all ($180 according to valve) but since I already own HL2/Ep1 it says i can 'give it to a friend for free as a gift!"

screw that! Give me some more money off! I dont have any friends with gaming PC's so it will be of no use to me *sigh* oh well... I'm still psyched to play Ep2 and Portal

You ARE getting a discount, just look at how much EP2 $30, TF2 $30 and Portal $20 would cost alone. EP1 was $30 when it came out, there is NO difference. If you just want EP2 then buy it for $30, if not spend $15 more, get TF2 and Portal and save $40! I mean cmon man, use your head instead of complaining.


Original poster
Jan 18, 2005
I don't really follow PC gaming so I hadn't heard of this.
Is it some sort of bundle deal?
Where did you get it, raggedjimmi, for that price?


The total came to $52.82 USD, which is a larvely £26 (according to the more accurate Dashboard convertor).

But I checked the release date. 10th October. :( still at least the TF2 beta is open on Monday so that should tide me over!


macrumors 6502
Sep 4, 2007
I'm a little annoyed about this actually.

I already own HL2 and Ep1 off of Steam so I just wanted Portal, Ep2 and TF2.

But since they bundle them all together for $49.99USD I HAVE to get them all or else pay full retail for all ($180 according to valve) but since I already own HL2/Ep1 it says i can 'give it to a friend for free as a gift!"

screw that! Give me some more money off! I dont have any friends with gaming PC's so it will be of no use to me *sigh* oh well... I'm still psyched to play Ep2 and Portal

What you could do is install the offerpack on a seperate steam account, and perhaps give the HL2/EP1 account you have to someone else, or sell it..


macrumors newbie
Jun 14, 2007
Will it play on the Macbook Core 2 Duo?

I'm a massive fan of TF and TFC. I still play TFC at least weekly on my new Black Macbook. I've to 2GB of RAM.

I can play under Crossover Office or under Parallels.

I'm going to do some testing with the HL2 demo to see how it plays under both Crossover and Parallels as I'm trying to get some idea of whether TF2 will be playable under either on this hardware. I don't care if I have to turn off eyecandy, as long as TF2 is playable, I'm happy. I never play The Sniper anyway!

If you prepay for Orange Box on Steam right now its only $44.99 and you get to start playing TF2 on MONDAY! That's right on 9/17. If I can get this up and running without having to shell out for an Xbox 360 at Christmas, I'm going to be a happy happy camper.

If any of you have any real-world testing on this stuff I'd love to hear it. The major concern I have is that TF2 has steeper system reqs than HL2 does, they are:
1.7 Ghz Processor, 512MB RAM and a DX8 Graphics card.
P4 3.0Ghz or better, 1GB RAM and DX9 card.

I allocate 1GB RAM to my Parallels VM and give it the full 64MB of VRAM allowed, but I have no idea what the DX8 requirement will mean under Parallels. Then there's always Crossover Office as a fallback...


macrumors member
May 16, 2007
Anyone else bought this? £27 for Half Life 2, Ep1, Ep2, Portal and Team Fortress 2 is possibly the best deal in gaming history. Okay maybe it's tied with that id megapack :D

I'm a bit eager for Episode 2. I didn't like 1 much, just a little too short and uneventful IMO.

And I've never played Team Fortress 1! I hear it's great and that alone has me excited for the sequel :)

Portal just looks fun. I love creative games like this (my fave PC game currently being Knytt Stories).

Roll on whenever these games are launched :D

Is this download available to people in the UK, at only £27? I'm assuming you've done the currency conversion as I only see the price in dollars.

I already have HL2 and HL2 Episode 1 but for that price it's still a steal. :)


macrumors 65816
Mar 7, 2006
Is this download available to people in the UK, at only £27? I'm assuming you've done the currency conversion as I only see the price in dollars.
raggedjimmi said:
The total came to $52.82 USD, which is a larvely £26 (according to the more accurate Dashboard convertor).

The price is awesome. :)
I'm tempted by it.


Original poster
Jan 18, 2005
TF2 beta open tomorrow :D my preload is complete.

And my Quake Wars demo is downloading too.

Peggle is awesome.

aaaand just checked my Paypal - total is £26.74 GBP :D I pity the console people paying £50 for this and not getting mouse/keyboard control!


macrumors member
May 16, 2007
TF2 beta open tomorrow :D my preload is complete.

And my Quake Wars demo is downloading too.

Peggle is awesome.

aaaand just checked my Paypal - total is £26.74 GBP :D I pity the console people paying £50 for this and not getting mouse/keyboard control!

Quake Wars is brilliant. I'm pretty crap at it at the moment though, I'm the one dying a lot! Earlier I was rated 'worst aim' in one match but that was because I was testing the chaingun on the 'helicopter'.

Peggle is a laugh, did you notice the G-Man's face imposed onto the sun in the intro? :)


Original poster
Jan 18, 2005
It took me a while to realise that was GMan :D

Anyways mate! Add me to Steam. I've got a new account so I've lost lots of old players - I'm now Shelderslow. I suppose I'll see you tomorrow!


macrumors member
May 16, 2007
It took me a while to realise that was GMan :D

Anyways mate! Add me to Steam. I've got a new account so I've lost lots of old players - I'm now Shelderslow. I suppose I'll see you tomorrow!

I've added you. I'm g0rd0nb3nn3t on STEAM and I'm currently playing as stroghetti-bolognese on Quake Wars. :)


macrumors 6502
Jan 28, 2007
screw that! Give me some more money off! I dont have any friends with gaming PC's so it will be of no use to me *sigh* oh well... I'm still psyched to play Ep2 and Portal

If you don't want your copy of HL2, I'd be happy to take it off your hands. :)


Original poster
Jan 18, 2005
That Quake Wars is a bit of okay! I was a bit conservative and put my settings at 1680*1050 (external monitor) and low, then tried it at high and after a few stuttery periods it ran at a nice 25-30fps! They've really tuned this Doom 3 engine. Yet another one for me to buy now :D


macrumors newbie
Jun 14, 2007

Well - HL2 Demo plays pretty crappy in Parallels.
I noticed that HL2 detects the video as a DX 8.1-capable card (with DX9 installed).

I'm going to try the bootcamp approach. I've got enough spare space on the old Hard disk, so I might as well.

If the performance is noticably better on the HL2 demo, then I'll spring for Orange Box and get my TF2 on!

Plus, even if TF2 sucks (and I highly doubt it will), there's that just released and all it needs is any source-based game license in your steam account.


macrumors 6502a
i've been super excited about the orange box but i have not bought it yet because i'm having trouble running Source games on my boot camp partition. I also had trouble on my PC I had before my iMac. On my 20" C2D iMac under boot camp, running Source engine games locks up the machine. Technically Windows is still usable but the game freezes in such a way that process viewer doesn't display over the game. I can hit the power button and Windows safely shuts down but it's still ridiculous. I'm going to go boot into Windows and see if I can't figure this out so I can play some TF2 tomorrow morning before work! :D


macrumors 68030
Jan 8, 2005
On the moon.
I'm looking forward to Episode 2, I'm still on the fence about Portal and Team Fortress 2, probably because I'm horrible at multiplayer FPS games.

I am always the n00b you hear people talking about. :D
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