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macrumors 65816
Original poster
Aug 3, 2014

Is it ok to boot the same OSX (El Capitan beta) installation from an external hard drive and switch it between multiple macs or am I better off dedicating a separate installation of OSX for each mac?

I'm not asking whether you can do this, as I know I can - I did this for trying out Yosemite beta on my imac and macbook. However I'm wondering whether this is an unwise practice... is it more likely to cause bugs or conflicts with drivers etc.



macrumors P6
May 16, 2015
Compare with Windows, Mac should be fine using "Mac to Go" feature since I think Apple has sealed all necessary drivers inside system.

PS: "Mac to Go" means installing a personalised version of Mac on external disk and take it on the go, featuring as a portable OS X.
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