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macrumors G3
Apr 21, 2003
These 'hackers' should use their abilities to do something useful instead of cracking fairplay or iTunes. Instead they should crack...

..DRM in MS's WMA...

then us Mac ( and Window users )could buy MPA, crack them, and then convert to a useful format such as MP3 or AAC to play in iPod, iTunes etc.


macrumors 68020
May 7, 2003
Saint Augustine, FL
This doesn't crack Fairplay - it just allows you to more easily copy songs off of some other local computer's iTunes.

It's a nifty enough program, since it'd save me the trouble of walking over to that computer and copying it to a CD. Widespread piracy is not encouraged.


macrumors member
Oct 12, 2003
Eh.... big deal.

You can't use the songs from the iTunes store and you can't get these over the net.... seems to me like no big deal. If you can walk over to the person who is getting your songs you could hand them cd as well. This is not something the RIAA could get too bent out of shape about. It is music you (should) already own a hard copy of and you cannot stop someone form letting their friends borrow a cd or burning it for them. It is eco-friendly by saving cds! :)


macrumors 604
Aug 2, 2002
Cork, Ireland.
It's hardly a big deal - it only takes marginally more effort to connect to their machine via the Finder and copy them off. Or even use ftp, which would obviously work outside their subnet/network.

It's just a convenience, I doubt Apple will even react to this.


macrumors regular
Feb 5, 2004
whooleytoo said:
It's hardly a big deal - it only takes marginally more effort to connect to their machine via the Finder and copy them off. Or even use ftp, which would obviously work outside their subnet/network.

It's just a convenience, I doubt Apple will even react to this.

IIRC Apple did change the protocol once to break myTunes et. al.


macrumors regular
Feb 5, 2004
sjk said:
What's the big deal with this when things like daapd and mt-daapd exist?

The amount of required cooperation on the side of the "provider" of the music is very different.
Those two projects both require their own server to be installed on the host. If you can do that you could just as well use ftp, afp, or a script around netcat and your solution just happens to use the same protocol al iTunes.

OurTunes on the other hand allows you to download music from people who just have turned on sharing in iTunes. Something they may or may not know about what it really means.

gunnmjk said:
Right on time for college.

I'd say we have a winner. ;)


macrumors 6502
Apr 26, 2004
does gettunes still work?
i've had it for a while but i'm a bit iffy about using over my uni network just incase they get a wind of it. there are posters up EVERYWHERE threatening expulsion for music piracy so i don't want to risk it.

what i really want to see is a way to communicate with other itunes users on my network in itunes.


macrumors 6502a
May 2, 2003
space2go said:
OurTunes on the other hand allows you to download music from people who just have turned on sharing in iTunes.
No special server-side setup, right.
Wigletbill said:
You can't use the songs from the iTunes store and you can't get these over the net.... seems to me like no big deal. If you can walk over to the person who is getting your songs you could hand them cd as well. This is not something the RIAA could get too bent out of shape about. It is music you (should) already own a hard copy of and you cannot stop someone form letting their friends borrow a cd or burning it for them. It is eco-friendly by saving cds! :)

But on a college campus with a nice fast LAN and a guarenteed set of music nuts and p2p nuts (it is college, after all. Have to procrastinate somehow).... This is something. Very much so. 'cause I know, with such programs (gettunes) one can obtain, far, far more than would fit easily on CD's, without the hassle.


macrumors 65816
Jun 26, 2004
As much as I would like this program for collage it also a huge threat to iTunes that the abilty to listen to other librays of music. Collages right now like iTunes libary sharing over the networks but if that program became wide spread they simple would simplely kill the that part of the network and make it impossible.

If really a pretty easy thing for them to do just have to chage really 1 setting and boom it is done. Collages already killed simple file sharing. Also if the collage had to shut down iTunes like that it would kill off all that stuff you love about iChat since it would take down redivous network down with it
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