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macrumors member
Original poster
May 26, 2009
After upgrading to Mojave, I found out the hard way that my email wasn't going out from my Macbook. Things showed up in sent items on all my devices, and webmail but people never got them. I deleted and readded my account and it worked a while, then did it again.

One thing I noticed when restarting Outlook is it pops up with the SSL cert for our website, "" but not "" as it should. Another thing I found is after I have my account set up in Outlook, if I go to the advanced settings and look at servername, it shows "" while Outlook on my phone, PC, etc. all show "".

So it seems like Outlook is doing something odd, and it just started after Mojave. I installed the latest Office updates after Mojave & still have the issue.

Anyone else see things like this?
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