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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Jan 27, 2002
hi guys..

i have a question. would it be possible to overclock my PB G3/400? or is that a big risk? and what about the cooling & stuff....?


macrumors regular
Jan 1, 2002
california, usa
are you under warranty? because an overclocking of a computer usually cancels out warranties

i would not try to overclock your machine unless you really had the need to for some really important reason

my suggestion is just get a faster machine and leave your g3 400 alone since it is still a very good machine by most user's standards and overclocking it does pose some risk

the intel celeron is a poplar desktop machine to overclock since it's cheaper and easy to do without the risk of losing a tremendous amount of money but translating the overclocking hobby of a cheap pc desktop to a mac laptop is foolhardy for most users
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